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Sweatshirts and cardigans are available to purchase with the school logo from the school office.

Preloved Uniform

We appreciate money can be tight in these challenging times and are happy to offer preloved uniform free of charge to families. Please drop an email to
preloveduniform@carltoncolvilleprimary.co.uk and our pastoral team will do their best to meet your request. We always welcome donations of used uniform too so we can redistribute it to those who need it. 

Physical Education
Children need a PE kit in school at all times comprising of dark blue or black shorts, a plain white t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers for indoor PE and dark blue or black jogging bottoms, plain white t-shirt, trainers and a dark coloured warm top for outdoor PE in the colder months. This should be kept in a named bag. Long hair must be tied back for PE. If small stud earrings are unable to be removed they should be taped over using micropore tape provided by home. 


Swimming (Years 4 - 6)
All children need a swimming costume or shorts , swimming hat and a towel in a named bag. If small stud earrings cannot be removed they should be taped over with micropore tape supplied by home. Jewellery and bracelets must not be worn during swimming sessions. 

Keeping hydrated during the school day is important and we have water coolers available for the children to use. Children need to have a named water bottle in school at all times. 

Jewellery is not recommended for school and has to be removed or taped with micropore tape to prevent injury in PE lessons.

We recommend that longer hair is tied up to potentially stop hair being tangled in school equipment, accidently being caught at breaktimes and to ensure pupils can see their work clearly.

Book Bags
A book bag is recommended to take reading books home in every day. These are provided for all Reception children and are available to buy from the school office if an additional one is required. 

All children need a coat in school during the colder months for both playtimes and outdoor learning. 

Tournament Sportswear
During tournaments we have our own sports tops for the children to wear when representing the school.

Please make sure that everything is named so we can return it if it is misplaced around school!

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