Keeping in touch
We like to keep our parents, children and local community up to date with all the latest school news and information. Our main forms of communication are below.
Please note our normal working hours are 0800 - 1630hrs Monday to Friday during term time and we do not usually deal with correspondence or enquiries via our online systems outside of these hours unless they are of an urgent nature
Our Website -
Information about the curriculum, lots of photographs showcasing the children’s learning and WOW moments, school policies and general information can all be accessed via our school website. We always welcome feedback on our website so if there is something you would like to see please get in touch.
Class Dojo is used in school by the Class Teachers to keep in touch with parents and provide regular updates of exciting things going on in class by using the Class Story feature. Class Teachers 'invite' parents by sending an invite to their nominated email address at the start of the school year in September.
Reception Classes use Tapestry to share classroom work and messages with parents. Parents are given Tapestry login details when their child joins the school.
As well as our website, we love to showcase our children's achievements on our twitter feed @ccpschool If you use Twitter give us a follow!
We also have our school Facebook page where you can keep updated on what is going on in our school.
SchoolPing is our live communication app for schools. Parents download the SchoolPing app to their smartphone and are able to access key messages, letters and documents sent out by school. Parents are also able to communicate back to school such as giving consent to letters or signing up to parent meetings slots etc.
Download the app for IOS here.
Download the app for Android here.
To log in on a computer click here.
Please make sure that notifcations are switched on for School Ping on your device
If you have any password issues you can email or alternativly contact the school office.
Parent Consultation Meetings
We hold parent meetings during the Autumn and Spring term. We believe that this provides you with the best opportunity to discuss individual's progress with class teachers. Appointments can be made via our School Ping app. We are also happy to arrange meetings with individual parents at a convenient time if you there are any matters you wish to discuss. In this instance speak with the class teacher or the school office to arrange.
‘The Acorn’ Newsletters
‘The Acorn’ is a bi-monthly newsletter containing a variety of school news, pupil achievements, learning opportunities and information designed to inform and support parents and children outside of the school. Copies are always available from the school website within the Parents section. Paper copies can also be viewed and picked up from our main office. A message is sent out via School Ping when a new Acorn is published.
Notice boards
We have several large notice boards around the school which contain information on forthcoming events and school information.
Letters Home
We regularly send home letters regarding sports tournaments, trips, news, and events. Please make sure you read the letters carefully and return any permission slips promptly. Letters home are normally sent electronically and permission slips completed via school ping.
Assemblies and Productions
All classes participate in a range of assemblies, productions and performances during the year. These include; nativity performances, Year 6 leavers production, Year 5 democracy assembly, Rocksteady performances, music performances (both in school and externally) e.g. Snape Maltings, a local care home and at our local church.
Annual Pupil Reports
All parents will receive a detailed report of their child's progress in the second half of the summer term. This focuses on all curriculum subjects as well as reporting on aspects such as attendance, learning behavior and effort.