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Welcome to our Governors page which we hope will give you an insight into the work of the Governing Body and how we govern our school. In line with the Department of Education (DfE) guidance, we have reconstituted the Governing Body. This means priority is given to skills and experience governors bring to enhance and add value to the school.  We believe this contribution makes our governors cohesive and effective in undertaking their duties.

As a Maintained School all governors are appointed by the Local Authority, Suffolk County Council serving a term of office of 4 years.  We have agreed to have 10 members on our Governing Body.

The Governors Code of Conduct, membership details and register of interest are published on this website for your information.

If you have any other queries regarding school governance, please contact governors through the School Office.

Mr Andrew Orves
Chair of Governors

Individual Governor curriculum and leadership responsibilities are listed in the schools 'Governors Committee Structure Document'. 

Governor Membership

Name Status Committee End Date of Term of Office Pecuniary Interest Business and Financial Interest Relationship to Employee
Mr Andrew Orves
Parent Governor Finance & Personnel,
Curriculum & Standards,
Building, Premises &
7/04/2026 Accountant at
None None
Mr James Rose Interim Headteacher Finance & Personnel,
Curriculum & Standards,
Building, Premises &



None None None
Mrs Sarah Way

Parent Governor 

Curriculum & Standards,
Building, Premises &
None None None
Mr D Sprules

Staff Governor


Curriculum & Standards,
Building, Premises &

None None None
Mr O Clifford Co-opted Governor Curriculum & Standards.



Headteacher at Somerleyton Primary
None None
Revd Andrea Woods Co-opted Governor Finance & Personnel,
Curriculum & Standards,
Building, Premises &

Rector at St Peters Church Carlton Colville &  St Andrew’s Church Mutford

None None

Mrs Sarah Orves


Co-opted Governor Curriculum & Standards. 20/09/2028 Headteacher at Ilketshall St Lawrence Primary None None
Mrs Jackie Holland
Co-opted Governor Finance & Personnel,
Curriculum & Standards.
20/09/2028 None None None

Mrs Jane Boyce

LA Governor Curriculum  & Standards. 12/11/2028 None None None

For latest information on Governors meeting dates and attendance click below:

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