Assemblies at Carlton Colville give a regular opportunity for the whole school to gather together to learn about religious beliefs and festivals, consider spiritual, moral, social and cultural topics and share in children’s achievements.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship. Any parent who wishes to exercise this right should initially discuss their request with the class teacher.
Lowestoft in Bloom Assembly
On Monday 20th November 2023, during a whole school assembly, Lowestoft in Bloom attended our whole school assembly and presented us with three awards. These were:
Silver Award for the ‘Best Outdoor Learning Environment’.
Silver Award for the ‘Best Diary of Planting and Growing’.
Gold Award for the ‘Best Vegetable and Fruit Garden’.
This is a fantastic achievement and tremendous recognition to the many hours of hard work and dedication Mrs Gray, Mrs Carruthers, the staff and children have put into our outside learning areas (Meadow, Wildlife Area & Allotment) over the past few years. In particular, we want to say a big thank you to our brilliant community volunteers David Peek, Brian Spalding, Maureen Snowling. They have been supporting our school for many years and have overseen the development of our vegetable and fruit Garden from a few flower beds to what it is today.” Well done everyone!
Anti-Bullying Week
We kicked off Anti-Bullying Week with a whole school assembly. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors also spoke to the whole school and continue to be very pro-active with supporting children during break times. For more information about Anti-Bullying, please view our Anti-Bullying Policy. Alternatively, please contact the school office and a member of staff will support you further.
Black History Month
On Monday 2nd October we launched Black History Month within a whole school assembly. This year’s overarching focus is 'Saluting our Sisters'. It highlights the crucial role Black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change and building communities.
Harvest Festival
Thank you to our wonderful school community for all the Harvest Festival food donations that were sent in to school. We had a lovely Harvest Festival assembly where we all sang our Harvest song, learnt about where some of the food was grown and discussed how this food will benefit people in need. Following our assembly all the food was donated to our local foodbank.