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The Acorn ( Fortnightly Newsletter)

School News Feed
  • General
    10 July 2024
    Ice-Cream Van - Friday 19th July
    We are pleased to advise we have arranged for a Parravanis Ice-Cream Van to come at the end of the day on the last day of term - Friday 19th July.
  • General
    28 June 2024
    The Acorn Newsletter
    Please see link to The Acorn newsletter https://carltoncolville.suffolk.sch.uk/suffolk/primary/carltoncolville/arenas/websitecontent/web/Issue%20123%20-%20The%20Acorn,%2028th%20June%202024-72219_20240628154205909.pdf Regards
  • Event
    21 June 2024
    Summer Fun Hour - tonight
    Just a reminder that our Summer Fun Hour is tonight from 3.00pm to 4.00pm - please see attached. The stalls will mainly be 50p with some things such as face painting a little more - payment will be cash only and we would appreciate it if you could bring change where possible. As we did last year, all our pre-loved and unclaimed lost property will be out - please do come and look and take anything that you need or have lost. Many thanks for your support.
  • General
    14 June 2024
    The Acorn Newsletter
    Please see link to The Acorn newsletter https://carltoncolville.suffolk.sch.uk/suffolk/primary/carltoncolville/arenas/websitecontent/web/Issue%20122%20-%20The%20Acorn,%2014th%20June%202024-38868_20240614152858538.pdf Regards
  • Reminder
    13 June 2024
    Sponsored Walk - tomorrow
    Just a reminder that the whole school are taking part in a Sponsored Walk tomorrow, Friday 14th June, completing circuits of the school field to fundraise for our School. In the event of hot weather please apply sun-cream to your child before school and bring a sun hat. Remember to bring water bottles. They will get changed into their PE kits at school for the event. We look forward to receiving any sponsor in due course. Thank you very much for your support.
  • Event
    7 June 2024
    Summer Fun Hour - Friday 21st June
    Dear Parents/Carers We are holding our Summer Fun Hour again this year from 3.00pm to 4.00pm on Friday 21st June - please see attached. The stalls will mainly be 50p with some things such as face painting a little more - payment will be cash only and we would appreciate it if you could bring change where possible. We will be holding a tombola and would welcome any prize donations - especially items for children. We will also have a raffle for our ever popular 'Barrow of Booze'. If you are able to donate any bottles/cans, including mixers such as lemonade/coke/tonic etc these would be gratefully received at the school office. Many thanks for your support.
  • General
    21 May 2024
    The Acorn Newsletter
    Please see link to The Acorn newsletter https://carltoncolville.suffolk.sch.uk/suffolk/primary/carltoncolville/arenas/websitecontent/web/Issue%20121%20-%20The%20Acorn,%2021st%20May%202024-54135_20240521144203139.pdf Regards
  • Important
    13 May 2024
    Sun Cream Reminder
    Just a reminder about the use Of sun cream during the school day While sun cream should be applied before coming to school, we understand that some skin types require further application during the school day. For these children, an opportunity will be provided to apply their sun cream just prior to lunch break. A staff member will supervise the children but is unable to assist them. Please send in their sun cream in a named bag and ensure your child is able to apply this themselves. Your child should also be made aware the sun cream cannot be shared with their friends (due to allergies/potential allergies.) The school’s nut policy must be adhered to as some children have airborne allergies. Please check the product information before sending in to school. Many thanks
  • General
    3 May 2024
    The Acorn Newsletter
    Please find attached The Acorn newsletter Regards
  • General
    28 March 2024
    The Acorn Newsletter
    Please find attached The Acorn newsletter Regards
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