Outdoor Learning
Lowestoft in Bloom
We are very proud to announce that we have received four awards from Lowestoft in Bloom again this year.
· Gold award for the best Outdoor Learning Environment
· A special award for our amazing allotment.
· Winners for growing the tallest sunflower (172cm!!)
· The best gardening diary – completed by the children in the gardening club.
I would like to thank all the children who have been Wildlife Wardens over the past year. You have done so much to promote the love of wildlife and inspire everyone to make the most of our outdoor spaces.
A huge thank you to our allotment volunteers. David, Brian, Jackie, Jane, Maureen, Mr and Mrs Sturgess: we couldn’t do it without you. Our gardening club is an amazing place to learn and unwind!
Finally, a huge thank you to all the staff that have helped to create and maintain these inspiring outdoor spaces for our children to enjoy and learn in.
Mrs Gray
World Environment Day
On Wednesday 5th June, the whole school took part in World Environment Day. The theme this year was all about restoring and improving soil and this is the first year of a ten-year plan aimed at fixing the damage that has been done to our planet. Information was shared with the children in an assembly run by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
So what did we do? Early years made beautiful butterfly feeders and bug hotels. Year 1 made wildflower seed bombs and learnt about the importance of these flowers for insects. These will be scattered on our meadows to help our wildlife. Year 2 explored our wildlife area for existing insects and then discussed how to encourage more insects into this area. They created log piles, filled water trays and plant sunflower seeds. They also created some beautiful wild art out of natural materials. Year 3 and 4 worked completed a soil investigation with a member of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Some children investigated types of worms on the school field, whilst others created PowerPoint presentations explaining why soil is so important to life on Earth. Year 5 investigated seed dispersal. Year 6 will be completing their activities on return from a school trip.
We would like to thank Suffolk Wildlife Trust for their help and resources! A great day was had by all. We are all very keen to start lots more new initiatives in our school to help the environment even further. Watch this space!
Hedgehog Project KS2 - May 2024
.As a school we have been working alongside a hedgehog charity to help develop wonderful hedgehog habitats within our school grounds. We are proud to say that we have four hedgehog homes in our school site and we have evidence of recent use!
Some KS2 children have been learning about hedgehogs and have made resources to help other children learn about how to look after them. We hope that we will have a lot more spikey residents come to our school grounds in the coming months!
Allotment - Year 3 - May 2024
Year 3 pupils hard at work in our school allotment learning about growing and tending plants.
Forest School - April 2024
Another exciting Forest Schools session where children used their imaginations to explore and create in our Wildlife Area.
Year 4 Forest School
This week some Year 4 children had a great forest schools session playing games and den building . Robbie Robin (named by the children) was also intrigued
and came to say hello.
Tree Planting.
We are supporting biodiversity and developing our green spaces by planting a small orchard and also silver birch trees in a large meadow area on the school field. This is thanks to funding from The Tree Council’s Branching Out Fund.
Last week, some Year 3 and 4 children were helped by the Wildlife expert, Tim Page, to plant the trees. They were taught how to prepare the site and how to plant a tree correctly. They were very excited to be part of the project and now have the task of reporting back their learning to their classmates.
Outdoor Learning Awards!
We are very fortunate to have extensive grounds at our rural school including a Nature Area and a School Allotment. The nature area has recently been
fully refurbished by both the school team and a wildlife specialist to include breeding areas, a new pond and a den building area and is already proving a massive hit with the children and the local wildlife.
The allotment is run by a group of community volunteers from the village and the children get involved with planting seeds, watering the plants and lots of other gardening related tasks. We are very grateful to our volunteers for the sterling work they do to maintain this much loved facility for us.
We have recently planted lots of new trees in our grounds and are working with local organisations like Suffolk Wildlife Trust to further enhance our outdoor learning provision.
Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Gray are responsible for outdoor learning.
Forest Schools
We have recently started running Forest School sessions run by our recently trained Forest school leaders, Mrs Gray, Miss Norman and Mrs Terry- Wright.
This is proving a massive hit with our children who are developing their confidence, independence, teamwork and curiosity during the sessions, which are mainly based in our wildlife area in school. A great way to embrace the great outdoors and also has many mental health benefits.
Our Wildlife Wardens
Wildlife Area Updates
Forest Schools and Gardening Club update
Forest Schools sessions.
Mrs Terry-Wright, Miss Norman and Mrs Gray have been working towards their Level 2 Forest Schools qualifications. This half term, some of the Wildlife Wardens from Years 3 and 4 have enjoyed some forest school’s sessions. The sessions were tailored towards the children’s interests and included den-building, clay art-work, team game playing and bug hunting. We were very impressed with the children’s knowledge of wildlife and their teamwork and communication skills. We are looking forward to holding more sessions with children across the whole school in future.
Gardening Club
The Gardening club is now up and running and we are busily planting fruit and vegetable seeds. We have also planted some new fruit trees. We would like to say a big thank you for the donation of wildflower seeds. We have planted these in the Wildlife Area and the school meadow.
Pupil Voice
“We enjoyed making up our own games.”
“I enjoyed identifying the different trees in our Wildlife Area, by looking at their leaves. “
“If we had more time, I would love to do more den building.”
“I enjoyed all of it.”
“I want to do Forest School every day!”
Year 3 Wilder Day with suffolk Wildlife Trust
Year 3 have had a lovely day meeting Charlotte, our new teacher from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. We created posters to inform other children around the school about what we are doing to improve the wildlife on our school grounds. We then made pine cone bird feeders with fat, fruit and seeds.
We went into the Wildlife Area to place the bird feeders and we were amazed to me met by a baby deer! She was very surprised to see us and ran away quickly! We were all so pleased that more wildlife is now enjoying our school grounds.
We hope that the birds love their new food!
We are very excited to do lots of new planting on the school grounds in the summer months.
Lowestoft in Bloom
We are very proud to announce that Lowestoft In Bloom presented the school with four awards and a trophy for our outdoor areas. We received bronze awards for the Best Wildlife Garden and Best Classroom Display. A silver award was given for the Best Scarecrow. A gold award and a trophy was given for the Best Vegetable/Herb/Garden. All the children in the gardening club, the Wildlife Wardens and all those involved with making scarecrows deserve a big "well done!" We would also like to thank our gardening club volunteers, David, Brian and Maureen for all their help and dedication. We are so lucky to have such wonderful outdoor spaces in our school.
Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Gray.
Be Wild - Suffolk Wildlife Trust
Last week Jo from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust ran an assembly to introduce the Be Wild! project in our school. Over the next three years we will be working together to further develop our outdoor areas to maximise our outdoor learning provision, help increase the wildlife on our grounds and develop even stronger links with our local community.
The Wildlife Wardens met with Jo and gave their ideas for how to develop the grounds further. Year 3 worked with Jo throughout the day and they completed some activities centered around maths and science. First, they established some baseline levels with regards to their connection with nature. Then, they tallied how many trees there were, bug hotels, bird boxes, etc in our grounds. They also measured the width and length of different areas outside, using strides. In our next session in December, children will agree on what improvements we will focus on this year and we will decide on how to fundraise. We will also be making feeders for animals in our Wildlife Area to use over the winter months, as we know it can be hard for wildlife at this time of year.
We love our new outdoor areas and we are all very excited about developing our grounds even further. We welcome the expertise given from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
January 2022
The sponsored walk held at school last June raised a lot of money to help develop the school's outdoor learning environment. Since then we have been busy developing the Wildlife Area and two large meadow areas on the school field. The new pond area will be ready to use for learning activities from the spring. Many children have been involved in planting bulbs and trees and this will continue in the coming months. We have bought many new learning resources including pond dipping equipment, bird tables, birdbaths, binoculars, mirrors, bug detective kits, gardening, and den building equipment.
We will be interviewing children for the Wildlife Wardens positions at the end of February, so please apply if you are interested. Application detals are on the school website. If successful, you will liaise with Mr Page (our wildlife expert) and us, to develop our outdoor learning activities across the school. Gardening club for KS2 will also recommence later this term. Details to follow.
Now for an optional challenge. We are still in need of plants/ shrubs for our large, new meadow areas. Ideally these should be plants that attract pollinators and will help wildlife. Ideas of plants to grow can be found here: https://www.
If you would like to help, then please start to grow a plant/ plants of your choice at home. We will ask for the plants to be brought into school in May when they can be planted out. Thank you in advance.
April 2022
Since our community raised funds for our outdoor areas last summer, we have been busy transforming our outdoor spaces. Achievements to date include:
- The wildlife area now has designated areas such as, a quiet area to watch birds and other animals in their habitats, a beautiful nature pond with decking and seating area, a permanent outdoor classroom, woodland walks, wildflower beds and a den building area.
- Teachers have had training on den building and outdoor learning ideas across the whole curriculum. Training on using the wildlife pond effectively and with minimum impact to the flora and fauna will take place in the summer term.
- Two members of staff have been trained in level 1 Forest Schools.
- The meadow areas have been transformed with the planting of numerous bulbs and other wildflowers (A big thank you for all donations!)
- The creation of wildflower beds and some lovely winding paths and seating areas have been installed across the meadow area on the school field. In the coming weeks the children will be able to access these areas at lunch times.
- Many trees have been planted over the school field.
- The school allotment is a hive of activity! The school gardening club has been busy planting lots of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Year group classes will be able to access this area in lesson times over the summer months.
- The Wildlife Warriors have been appointed and they have started to work with Tim Page, our wildlife expert, to promote and develop our outdoor areas. They will be providing activities for children to do some lunchtimes.
- We have purchased outdoor equipment such as pond dipping, bug hunting and den building kits, bird houses, bird tables, gardening equipment and useful identification guides for plants and animals.
- We are very pleased to announce that we are hosting some events for our children to work with other schools across the area. This includes an orienteering and den building activities.
Over the coming term, we hope that your children will have some fun and memorable outdoor learning experiences they can tell you about!
A few months ago, we set a challenge to grow some flowers & plants at home. We will be asking for these plants to be brought into school from May if possible. A convenient time to bring in the plants can be arranged with your child’s class teacher. As many children as possible will be involved in the planting.
Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Gray
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Year 3 Forest Schools
Year 3 really enjoyed their Forest Schools Session
Homes For Animals Challenge
A very big thank you to everyone who has brought in bug boxes and animal homes. They have all been put into the Wildlife Area and meadows. Here is Blake from year 2 with his amazing hedgehog home. We welcome any more you might be able to make! Thanks again, Mrs Gray
Nature Area
Outdoor learning in action.
Art in the wildlife area in the style of Andy Goldsworthy by Year 2.