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Curriculum Wow Factor

 We aim to enrich our learning in school by the use of guest speakers and educational visits where ever possible to bring our learning alive. A selection of these are reproduced below along with a selection of Curriculum work .

Benacre Estate Visit - Year 5

Year 5 had a fantastic day at Benacre estate. They experienced a farm machinery demonstration then did workshops around coastal erosion, dissecting owl pellets, seeing a gamekeeper, dog handling, birds of prey, sugar beet, hunts and hounds and bug hunting. Everyone had a fantastic time and all fell in love with the dogs! 

Hands on Heritage - Year 3

Foxes Class had a fantastic day at Hands on Heritage learning about the Stone Age through a series of practical  workshops delivered in an authentic Stone Age village in the heart of Tunstall forest. We made lamps, did some weaving , made pewter jewellery and made a butter Knife from a tree branch. 

Under 11 North Suffolk Futsal

Under 11 North Suffolk Futsal
Carlton had a great day at the North Suffolk Futsal competition. The boys came first after a few tense moments at the start of the competition with a 4-2 win against Worlingham and an 8 -0 score line against Albert Pye followed by a 4 -0 win against Gunton to be crowned North Suffolk champions.
The girls had a 3-2 win against Worlingham before dropping a goal to Albert Pye  and a finally finishing 2-0 up against Gunton. The girls ended up in second place in the competition overall.
Mr Tyson and Mrs Francis were so proud of both teams for their amazing courage and sportsmanship

World Book Day Projects

Our World Book Day projects, based on a book or an author

Science Week

For the launch of Science week, year 4 took part in a Developing Experts live lesson. The focus of this lesson was, "The mysteries of Insect Timekeeping". We learn some amazing facts, such as Leaftcutter ants can carry 20 times their body weight. Did you know that for each human on the planet, it is estimated that there are 1.4 billion insects! The Bees class were very excited to have one of their questions read out. Ollie asked, "How many types of beetles are there in the UK?" The answer was 4000. 
We are looking forward to continuing science week next week, when we will be doing some Scratch Coding.

Reception Tractor Visit

In preparation for our topic after half term about growing, Reception and Nursery enjoyed a visit from some local farmers with their tractor. We loved watching it move and found out lots of information about farming. We even got to go inside the tractor and were amazed at how high we were!



Helpful Heroes - Nursery

As part of our topic 'Helpful Heroes' we have been learning about vets this week, including making lists of the names of animals Vinnie the Vet treated, making pet carriers and making a tally chart of our own pets at home.  Today we had a visit from our school dog Willow and her owner Mrs Everett-Day.  We asked what happened at her vet visit and looked at pictures of Willow at the vets when she was a puppy.  Everybody got to hold Willow on her lead and pet her.

Safer Internet Day - Nursery

The Bears enjoyed reading a story from Buddy the dog who helped us learn some rules and a song about keeping safe on the internet and when using devices. We practised Buddy's song...
"Ask a grown up, 
Ask a grown up, 
Ask for help, 
Ask for help, 
Use your tablet safely, 
Use your tablet safely, 
Woof woof woof, 
Woof, woof, woof" 



Year 4 Sutton Hoo Virtual Visit

Year 4 had a very interesting zoom call with experts of Anglo Saxon history today. We learnt all about the historical site and some of the artefacts found buried in the soil. We were astonished to learn facts about some of the most important finds, such as a helmet, shield and a beautifully decorated shoulder pad. We were surprised to learn that the jewels used were from as far away as India and Afghanistan! We made posters of the facts we learnt, and we will add these to our school museum so we can teach others about the wonders of Sutton Hoo!

Year 5 Stephen Wiltshire Art

Year 5 have been looking at perspective drawing, taking inspiration from the artist Stephen Wiltshire, to make pieces of artwork linked to London and the London skyline. 

Year 4 History

In History year 4 children have been learning about the fractious relationships between the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. The children role played interviewing Alfred an danswered questions based on facts. We had some very impressive and confident King Alfreds, who confidently explained how they battled each other and untimately came to an agreement over who would rule parts of England. (For a while at least!) 



Gymnastics Year 4

We are teaching Gymnastics this term. Here are Year 4 in action.

Reception - Helpful Heroes

Reception enjoyed launching their new topic ‘Helpful Heroes’ with a dress up day. The children looked fantastic in their outfits and enjoyed talking about all the different people who help us. 

Year 5 - Creative Arts

Year 5 have had a very busy and creative few weeks making gingerbread biscuits and decorating these in DT. They have also been making clay nativity scenes in Art which they then painted. All very creative and the children showed some fantastic creativity in both activities. 

Year 2 Bonfire Movies

Year 2 have been learning about the significance of bonfire night and have had a go at creating imovies telling people what they have learnt. 



Author Visit - Reception

The Reception children were very lucky to have a visit from the local author Nigel Lungenmuss-Ward. They loved listening to one of his stories and then enjoyed asking him questions to find out about being an author. 

Under 11 Rugby and Football Tournaments

We recently competed in the Under 11's North Suffolk boys and girls Football and Tag rugby competetions with the boys coming 2nd in the football, the girls
coming  5th and both teams putting an excellent performance in the Tag Rugby competition.

Year 5 STEM day - Space

Year 5 have had workshops with David Gwynn, our STEM ambassador, this half term. We have learnt all about stars, black holes and the James Webb telescope. We took part in an experiment to replicate how a black hole is formed and explored an Infra-Red camera.

Year 3 Stone Age Day

The Year Three children got to take part in our Stone Age day as part of our sparkling start. We enjoyed looking at Stone Age artefacts, finding out about their way of life and tried foods Stone Age people would've gathered.

Sports Day

Our Sports Day was run over 4 sessions this week. We had fantastic support from parents and carers cheering the children on as they undertook 8 activities and sprint races afterwards. The children had a lot of fun and the weather just about held for us. 

Choir Performance at Carlton Park Care Home

Our school choir performed to the residents at Carlton Park Care Home today. It was a joy to see the look on the residents faces when the children started to sing. It's always great to be out in our local community. 



Bikeability Year 5

Some of our Year 5 pupils have been working with Bikeability instructors to learn about cycle safety both on the school site and out in our community. We are grateful to the volunteers for giving up their time to help our children stay safe on the road. 

Outdoor Education VIP visit

On Wednesday 28th June, we invited some very special guests to our school so we could showcase all of the exciting improvements we have made to our school grounds over the past few years, and to thank some of those people that have made this possible. The visitors included school volunteers and local Councillors.
Some of the Wildlife Wardens guided the visitors around our Wildlife Area, meadows and the allotment. We received some lovely feedback regarding how we are using these amazing spaces throughout our curriculum and also for extra-curricular activities. Everyone was especially impressed with our very articulate, knowledgeable and polite children.
We are so thankful for the time and support given by our three allotment volunteers, Brian, David and Maureen. 

Music Workshops with Lottie Gray

On Wednesday, Lottie Gray came into school to do some singing workshops with the children as part of our Music day. Lottie is studying Popular Music and Song-writing at the Royal Northern College of Music. The children learnt how to warm up their voices ready for singing and some rhymes to practise singing at different pitches. We learnt the song "Adore You" by Harry Styles. Some children were brave enough to sing some parts in small groups. By the time of the performance everyone was singing expressively and confidently. 
Lottie also played and sung with the lower school at lunchtime and it was lovely seeing so many children joining in with the singing!  



Exploring the sun - Year 5

Year 5 have had a fantastic week exploring the sun this week. The children carried out a shadows experiment to answer the question - What causes our shadows to change throughout the day?
David Gwynn and his team of astronomers then visited with their solar scopes and solar glasses. The children were able to observe the sun through scientific equipment and ask fantastic curious questions. We are all extremely grateful to David and his colleagues for all the experiences and opportunities they have provided the year 5 children with this year!  

Year 6 Eaton Vale Residential.

Year 6 had a fabulous few days at Eaton Vale Adventure Centre  trying lots of new activities, spending time with their friends and making memories. We were so proud of all of the children. 

Year 5 and 6 North Suffolk Cricket Tournament

Amazing day at the Denes Oval yesterday for the upper KS2 Cricket tournament with the boys team coming home in first place after a nail biting final and the girls team coming second overall loosing the final by just 3 runs. Fantastic effort by all concerned

Forest Schools

During the summer 1 term we have have running our brand new weekly Forest School sessions. These sessions have focused on developing the children’s confidence, independence, teamwork and curiosity.  Below are some of the latest photographs. 

RAF School Visit

We had an amazing day at school yesterday when the RAF dropped in with their Chinook Helicopter. A crew of 17 RAF staff flew into the school arriving in spectacular fashion flying in off the sea and landing in the middle of our school field. The crew ran a special assembly and provided STEM activities on the school field and, of course, the chance to go inside the Chinook and learn about this amazing helicopter and its capabilities. All of our pupils were given this outstanding opportunity and of course were very excited to be part of this event. We would like to extend our thanks to all of the RAF staff and our school staff for making this happen. 


Nursery RSPCA Visit

Nursery had a guest speaker from the RSPCA who came into school to tell the children about their work and how to care for pets at home. They had a fantastic morning.

Nursery Coronation Parade

To celebrate the King’s coronation, the Nursery children had a party in the hall and a picnic in the Nursery garden. They danced, played games and had lots of fun! The Nursery children loved wearing the crowns that they had made and enjoyed waving their Union Jack flags when they marched around the field! 

Year 6 Girls Futsal County Final

Well done to our Year 6 Girls Futsal team who competed in the county finals on Wednesday. 256 Schools initially entered the competition and our girls came third in the county final loosing 2-1 in the semi final and winning the playoffs for third place 2-1. We are very proud of the team achieving such an amazing result. Well done girls and thanks to Mr Tyson for his expert coaching and Mrs Clarke for her help.

Year 3 Roman vs Celt day

The children had an ongoing home learning project to create shields and they created beautiful shields, fit for a Roman soldier and a Celtic warrior. We reenacted the great battle of Watling Street, completed Roman and Celtic activities such as Celtic jewellery and Roman battle formation training and ate Celtic and Roman inspired foods, with many of the children trying new things. 

Year 2 Arts Share Afternoon

Year 2 held a share afternoon to share their arts work with parents. They performed two songs they have been working on in their music lessons  this term and showed their watercolour art and weaving. Great job year 2. 

Zeb Soanes Visit

We were very lucky to have a visit from author Zeb Soanes. Born in Lowestoft Zeb is well known for his book Gaspard the Fox but is also a radio and TV presenter and famously the voice behind the Radio 4 shipping forecast. The children had a wonderful time learning about his work. 

Choir - Snape Maltings

Our school choir had an amazing opportunity to perform at a schools concert at the world famous Snape Maltings concert hall. They had a wonderful time and sounded brilliant. 

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day last week with the children all dressed as their favourite book character. The children had the chance to visit other classes to hear a varied selection of books being read by staff and enjoyed a special assembly at the end of the day. 

Year 3 Roman Day

"The best day ever" - Year 3 pupil

So today we had our long awaited Roman Day with Titus Flavius from the Roman army. We spent a fantastic day learning about the life of a Roman soldier, including how to march, how to fight with armour, weapons and shields and how to intimidate our enemies! We learnt that we are stronger as a team and used the motto, “No one gets left behind!”
We studied real Roman coins from 2000 years ago and then designed our own. We were shocked to find out that Roman soldiers had to buy their own equipment! By the end of the day we decided on two pieces of equipment we would buy with our salaries.

We all agreed that it was a very exciting day and that we learnt so much about the life of a Roman Soldier.

Ava Rome!

Safer Internet Day

We celebrated Safer Intenet Day with a special assembley and lessons during the day and the children produced a poster based around the theme for this year 'I want to talk about...' giving them the opportunity to discuss what they like and dislike about the Internet.

Mental Health Day

We held our whole school Mental Health Day and all dressed in Yellow to show our support. We also had the Mental Health team in school working with some of the children and we are very grateful for the support they offer the school all year round in supporting our pupils and staff mental health. 

Dragons Class making connections as part of Mental Health Day.

Ten Pin Bowling

A team of Year 3,5 and 6 pupils represented the school at a Ten Pin Bowling competition at Richardsons Bowling in Lowestoft. Out of 7 teams taking part the Carlton team finished in 1st place overall and one of our team members scored the highest score in the competition. The children were sporting throughout and impeccably behaved. 

People who Help Us - Nursery

Nursery had visitors from the Police and Fire Service who explained to the children about their jobs and how they help people as part of their Helpful Heroes topic

Christingle - St Peters Church

The School Choir attended the Christingle Service on Saturday 10th of December. Their selection of festive songs was well recieved by the congregation. 

The Great Exhibition - Year 1

In 1851, the Great Exhibition celebrated modern industrial technology and design. It was organized by Prince Albert, Henry Cole, Francis Fuller, Charles Dilke and other members of the Royal Society. To help bring this historical event to life, Year 1 hosted their very own Great Exhibition.

Year 3 Skittleball

This week, some children from year 3 took part in an inter-schools skittleball competition at Pakefield High School. It was a fantastic afternoon and we are proud to say that one of our teams were second place in the competition! The winners were decided not only by the total number of points scored the points, but also for showing a passion for the sport. All teachers were asked to score the opposing teams on their support and encouragement of each other, perseverance and overall sportsmanship. We are very proud that both our teams scored full marks in these areas! Well done to all the children involved. We are very proud of you.

World Book Day

A group of lower school children listened to a part of The Twits with Mrs Gray. We drew pictures of them based on what we had heard. Look at our amazing  sketches on whiteboards. #worldbookday 

BT Coding Course - Year 6

Some Year 6 children visited the BT head office in Ipswich for an inter-school advanced coding course. In teams, we learnt to write code to move a car around a screen to pick up points and to avoid traps. At the end of the day, we competed against other teams. Over the next few weeks we will improve our coding skills and develop our programs in an after school club. In April, we will head back to the BT office to take part in the National Rescue Simulation finals. This will be an exciting competition!
All children made good progress with their coding and debugging skills over the day. Well done everyone for showing great focus, determination and teamwork.

Time and Tide Museum - Year 4

This week, year 4 have visited the Time and Tide museum to experience an Anglo Saxon and Viking day. 
The children had so much fun taking part in Viking Warrior training, a Viking journey across the sea, metal detecting, learning an Anglo Saxon story and making jewellery. Even the adults had fun as they got the chance to throw wet sponges at the children to test out their shield defending skills! 
We learnt so much and all the adults were very impressed with the children's knowledge and behaviour. Even the Time and Tide staff commented on our knowledge and the brilliant questions our young historians were asking!

Church Visit - Milestone 1

The younger children visited the local church on Friday 14th February.

Year 6 - Yoga

Year 6 have loved our sequence of Yoga lessons developing their core strength, breathing, teamwork and posture.

Year 6 - Yoga

Year 6 have loved our sequence of Yoga lessons developing their core strength, breathing, teamwork and posture.

Year 3 - Internet Safety Learning Together.

It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 11th February and as part of this, the Year 3 children invited their parents to join them for a "Learning Together" session. We had a great time completing a carousel of activities to help us understand how to enjoy using the internet safety. We focused on how we can express ourselves creatively online, whilst keeping safe. We were reminded of the importance of not sharing personal information with people that we don't know or trust.

Crumblebot Workshop

On 12th February, 14 of our Year 5 students attended a programming workshop hosted by Lowestoft Sixth Form College and BT. They all worked very hard to complete various coding challenges and took part in a mini competition at the end of the afternoon where two of our teams came in 2nd and 4th place out of over 70 pupils from other schools. All represented their school fantastically on the day too and were a pleasure to work with.
Mrs Gray and Mr Graham

Safer Internet day

We celebrated Safer Internet day in school on Tuesday 11th with lots of activities including a special assembly with some drama performed by the Online Safety Leaders, a Learning Together event with Year 3 parents and children, special lessons in the classroom and Mr Graham, dressed as a clown, popped into classes to share online safety stories. Thanks to parents for their support with some lovely costumes to mark the day too.

Year 4 - Reading Gladiators

Year 4 Reading Gladiators have been working really hard in writing our own poetry inspired by the book we are currently reading called Adder, Bluebell, Lobster. 
We were challenged to take all 40 poem titles from the book and use them in our own poem to inspire others about the world around us! Mrs Clarke is so impressed with the gladiators final piece.  

The Vet comes to see Willow - Nursery

The local vet popped into school to talk to the children about his work and examine our School Dog Willow. The children had the chance to hear
Willow's heart beating through the Stethascope.


Performance Poetry - Year 3

Year three have been performing poetry! We learnt a poem about winter and then thought of our own actions to accompany it. Look at how great we are performing! What fabulous intonation! Later, we used digital cameras to film each other reciting one of the verses in pairs. Next week, in computer lessons we will learn how to create and edit the video of ourselves. 

For website.MOV

PE - Year 3

In PE, year 3 have  been learning how to travel and balance using a  range of equipment. We have been working with a partner to create routines where we perform moves in unison. We enjoy watching each other, giving feedback and sharing ideas.  

Year 3 Stonehenge

Today children were learning to interpret and investigate the past. As historians the children researched about Stonehenge and then created an information sheet for young visitors to the site. We then constructed our own Stonehenges from biscuits!

Drawing Winter scenes - Year 3

Year 3 have been developing their drawing skills by creating a winter scene. This work complemented our literacy work, where we are developing our descriptive writing skills. We are writing about winter.
Our drawings were inspired by the illustrations in the Winnie the Witch books written by Korky Paul and Valerie Thomas. We drew our designs in pencil and then carefully went over them in handwriting pen. We then painted over parts of the pictures with water, to create a blurred, snowy effect. We all showed fabulous focus throughout the whole afternoon and we each created a beautiful drawing to be displayed around our school. Well done everyone for showing great determination and aspiration in your art work. 

Nursery - Phonics

The Nursery children have started learning the phase 2 sounds in phonics. They painted the sound ‘t’ on toast and loved eating it! We are very proud of the children’s writing of the sounds on whiteboards. 

Saxons and Vikings - Year 4

Year 4 have begun this term's topic, Saxons and Vikings, with an archeological dig in the school grounds! Excavations began in the first week and turned up many fascinating artefacts! Using this experience, the children will write newspaper reports about the event and delve deeper into the world of Saxon Britain. 

Digital Mapping - Year 3

This week, Year 3 children used a digital mapping tool to investigate the marks left on the landscape by Stone Age people in Skara Brae. We carefully studied the different types of online maps and made excellent observations. This was a great way for us to develop our computing and geography skills.

Modern and Ancient Greece Super Start - Year 5

To start off our democracy topic, Year 5 have immersed themselves in Ancient Greek culture. The activities we completed were: mapping sites of interest in and surrounding modern day Greece, designing our own mythical creatures, looking and researching daily life in Ancient Greece and also designing amazing Greek pottery that we then transferred onto our own Greek pot! 

Year 5 Cookery

Year 5 had a great cookery lesson.

Year 1 Victorian Day

Year 1 had a great time learning about the Victorians.

Performance to the residents of Carlton Hall

We were delighted to welcome residents from Carlton Hall into school to watch our Nursery Nativity and the School Choir perform.

Year 4 BFG Tea Party

Thank you to everyone who came to the Year 4 BFG Tea Party. The year 4 children had great fun making all the food for you and we hope you enjoyed it. It was a great way to finish our BFG topic! 

Year 6 Science

Year 6 having a great practical science lesson.

Year 3 visit to Church

Year 3 walked up to the church as part of their work about Christianity. We learnt about the different parts of the church and the importance of the Lord's Prayer to Christians.

Year 4 Digestive System

This week, year 4 have been learning about the digestive system in Science. We listened to a description of the digestive system and acted out each part of the journey. This really helped us to understand each part of the journey and what each organ does to help us digest our food. We all had lots of fun learning in this creative and active way! 

Street Dance Taster Day

Year 2 and 6 enjoying our Street Dance taster day. We all had so much fun!

Year 2 Superhero Vehicles

Last half term for our “Hooray for the Heroes” topic the children wrote fantastic explanation texts about a superhero vehicle that they had designed. Over the half term holidays the children were given a Home Learning challenge to create their superhero vehicle out of junk modelling. This half term the children have started to create their own eBooks in ICT about these vehicles using iMovie. Miss Crick and Miss Moroney are extremely impressed with the results and we have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children show and explain what their vehicle can do. Outstanding effort year 2, well done!

BFG Arrival

Year 4 have had a super sparkling start to their new topic this week. The children took part in some role play activities, imagining how it would feel to be the BFG creeping through the village and being spotted by Sophie. As well as imagining how Sophie would feel when she sees the BFG and is taken to Giant Country. We have some fantastic budding actors and actresses with brilliant facial expressions and actions to represent each character. A great start to a busy half term!'   

Year 1 boats

Year 1 made their own boats and tested them to see if they would float!

Year 3 and 4 Football Skills Workshop

Yesterday a group of year 3 and  4 children went to Lowestoft to develop their football skills with other schools  in the area. It was an excellent afternoon where children showcased their current ball skills and also developed them even further. All the children were great ambassadors for the school. Well done everyone!

Year 4 Iron Man- Home Learning

Mrs Clarke and Mr Head are extremely impressed with the Year 4 Iron Man Home Learning challenges. Everyone has been so creative and they are all looking fantastic on display in the atrium. Outstanding effort year 4, well done!

Year 4 - Visit from Sizewell Power Station staff

This week, year 4 have had a visit from Sizewell B. Hugh and Elizabeth from EDF Energy  were very impressed with the electrical safety knowledge of the children and with their inventions using electrical circuits.

Year 5 Space Day

For our Space topic day, the Year 5 Owls and Jaguars were very fortunate to have a visit from David Gwynn who is a STEM Ambassador and astronomer. He taught us all about the life cycle of stars and how they form nebulae.
Using this information, both classes created nebulae in a jar. However, we chose to use paint, cotton wool and glitter rather than hydrogen, helium and soot. We also used books, laptops and our visitors’ vast knowledge of space to begin collecting information to create non-fiction information booklets about stars.
We are really grateful for David’s help today, along with all the jars contributed to Year 5, and are very excited to see him again when he next visits in October!

Time and Tide Visit - Year 3

Year 3 went to the Time and Tide Museum to spend a day learning about life in the Stone Age, how to hunt, the Bronze age, how to trade and the Iron Age, how to throw a throwing axe at your enemy! We had a brilliant time and even made a bronze age brooch.

Iron Man - Year 4

Year 4 Iron Man Arrival 
Year 4 were shocked when they came into school during the first week back. Both classrooms had been demolished by an unknown visitor! Mysteriously, only metal objects had been touched. The children were fantastic detectives and solved the mystery. The Iron Man had arrived! 

Stone Age Day - Year 3

Year 3 had a brilliant start to the year with their Stone Age day. We made Stone Age flat bread and ate it with berries and seeds and we had a treasure hunt outside.

York - Year 6

Year 6 spent an amazing 3 days in the Historic city of York. We visited the National Railway Museam, York Minster, the Jorvic Centre, DIG and even found time for a Ghost walk and a visit to a Chocolate factory.  We all had an amazing time in York!

Eton Vale - Year 4

After months of planning, the Owls and Tigers finally packed their sleeping bags, pillows and suitcases and travelled to Eaton Vale!
When we arrived, the children independently put bed sheets on their mattresses and set up their rooms for the stay. Next, everyone worked in their groups to explore their new environment using maps before stopping for lunch. Before breakfast, lunch and dinner each day, the children set up their food hall by washing hands and putting chairs out. At the end of every mealtime, they worked as a team to wash down tables and restack the chairs.
Each group completed 4 activities on the first day and 6 on the second. By the end of each day they were ready for bed; after a mini film night of course! The last day allowed time for 2 more activities and lunch before we headed back to school.
The children had a fantastic time and experienced a range of activities. They all were incredibly brave and had a go at the activities, showed lovely manners and fantastic teamwork whilst they were away- representing our school well! Thank you to all the adults that came with us, your help was greatly appreciated.

Year 4 in the Allotment.

Year 4 spent some time in the allotment earlier this month. The children enjoyed learning about the different fruit and vegetables that are being grown in the greenhouses and raised beds. We were all surprised that Melons were being grown in the greenhouses as well as how warm the greenhouses were getting.

Children had the opportunity to sow spring onion seeds, tie up and water tomato and cucumber plants and weed the beds.

We are all looking forward to returning to the allotment in a few weeks’ time to see how things have progressed.

Democracy Play - Year 5

Year 5 performed a play telling the story of Democracy over the ages.

Visit to Benacre - Year 5

Year 5 spent the day on the Benacre Estate learning about the countryside and coastal erosion. We met lots of working dogs, learnt about the work of
Sheep farmers about how forests are managed and about crops and how they are grown.

Be like Darwin - Explorer Day - Year 2

Today the children came in dressed up as explorers. They looked as if they were ready to blend into their surroundings. Many of them carried useful tools for exploration eg compasses, collecting pots, binoculars and bird books. We were being historians for the day and were learning about the voyage of Charles Darwin on board the HMS Beagle. We set off around the school field, stopping at different key points of Darwin’s journey. Cape Verde was exciting, followed by Montevideo where Darwin bought the skull of the Toxodon, a kind of gigantic, prehistoric mammal , similar to a rhino. We all laughed at how Darwin discovered The Rheas, a kind of bird similar to the ostrich and made our way to the Galapogas islands where Darwin made some of his most amazing discoveries.
Charles Darwin was seasick for most of the journey and found he could only swallow raisins so after a quick snack the children went on to find their own specimens of plants and rock to bring back to class. In the afternoon we talked about the groups animals belong to and had fun designing our own new species with attributes from two animal groups.
All of us were very tired from being so active and being out in the fresh air but we agreed we had used curiosity, independence and communication throughout the day.

Year 3 have been learning in the school’s garden

This week both year 3 classes spent an afternoon in the school’s garden for a ‘Sparkling Start’ to our Green Grass of Home topic. This term we will be learning about light and plants in science so were excited to learn more about how plants grow. Over the afternoon we planted, weeded and watered, as well as exploring the soil for mini-beasts. We enjoyed the experience so much that we wanted to encourage more classes to visit the garden. We all created posters inspired by what we could see around us. We are going to display these around the school.

Schools Farm and Country Fair, Ipswich - Year 4

Year 4 had a fantastic visit to the School Farm and Country Fair in Ipswich this week. We watched sheep being shorn, met and held some very cute farm animals and learnt a lot about wildlife including seeing a live bee hive. Some of us even tasted honey! 
At the end of the day, we were treated to a tractor and trailer ride. All adults, including the fair stewards, were extremely impressed with the behaviour of everyone. Well done Year 4! 

Retelling the story of Boudica by creating a short film - Year 3

Year 3 used our new animation software and webcams to create short films about the story of Boudica. What a great cross curricular project!

Visit to Community Shop - Year 1

Year 1 visited the local shop to practice buying items and calculate their change. They all learnt a lot about how we work with money.

Oral Hygiene Workshop - Year 4

This week, we had an oral health visitor in to help us learn about oral hygiene. We learnt about different food types and how many teaspoons of sugar were in certain snacks. Some of these were quite shocking for both the children and adults. We took a disclosing tablet to show areas of our teeth which we were missing. The dental nurse then taught us how to brush our teeth properly. This was lots of fun and we all learnt a lot.  

Hands on Heritage - Tunstall Forest. Year 3

Wolves Class
Year 3 went on a fantastic trip to Tunstall Forest for a Hands on Heritage adventure. They found out what Ancient Briton children would have lived like and enjoyed activities such as making fires, pewter jewellery, weaving and shell painting. Everyone carved their own butter knife. The children were praised for their good behaviour and impressed Duncan the archaeologist with their knowledge of the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.

Bees Class
On the 5th March, the Bees class went on the Hands on Heritage trip, to spend a day living as a Celt. We learnt about the Celtic way of life through the following amazing activities: Fire starting, weaving, carving wooden knifes, using Stone and Iron Age drills to make shell necklaces and melting metal to make jewellery. It was the most amazing day, with everyone learning new skills.
Here are some quotes from the children about what they learnt and enjoyed on that amazing day out:
“I learnt how to use a very sharp tool safely. It was really fun making the butter knife.” Abbie
I really enjoyed the metal making as we learnt to carve a mould and pour the hot metal in safely. The Celts did this to make accurate swords and spears.”  Viva
“I enjoyed shell decorating because we learnt that the Celts wore these as jewellery. We found out that archaeologists have discovered skeletons buried with shell jewellery on.” Jasmine F
“We were shown a way to make fire, but this was not how the Celts did it. They didn’t have a fire steel to make the sparks. They had to use flints to make sparks, which is really tricky. I loved learning how we can use things from nature to help us.”    Stanley

Visit by our Member of Parliament, Peter Aldous. Year 5

Our MP, Peter Aldous came into school to tell Year 5 pupils about his job and the work of Parliament and the Government which linked into Year 5's
topic Who's the Boss which is centered around Democracy.

Visit to Parliament, London. Year 5

Year 5 visited The Houses of Parliament in London to learn about how Democracy works in the UK. The children also took part in a mock debate in the
new Parliament Education Centre. We even had time for a look around the Science Museum too.

Volcano and Earthquake workshop - Year 3

It was very exciting meeting a scientist from the Natural History Museum on a zoom workshop today. We were Earth Scientists for the session and took part in activities to learn about why and how earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt. We learnt the differences between effusive and explosive volcanic eruptions.
We even helped to evacuate the residents of Volcano Town before an ash cloud from an explosive volcanic eruption covered the town!
All the children were a credit to the school. They all took an active part in the session. Many children answered questions very well, showcasing what they had already learnt.
Well done Year 3.

Crucial Crew - Year 6

Year 6 visited the Crucial Crew event recently to learn about a variety of services which keep us safe. Interactive scenarios really brought the learning alive for the children

Nursery Rhyme Party - Nursery

Nursery held a Nursery Rhyme party as part of world nursery rhyme week. Looks like they had a lot of fun!

Nebula -Year 5

Year 5 have created a nebula in a jar this week. This was a fantastic activity and they are looking great! The children were really supportive of each other during the activity. This will also feed into our next piece of writing, all linked to descriptive techniques. 

2022 WUKF European Karate Championships in Florence - Leo

We are always delighted to share our pupil’s achievements outside school. Leo took part in the 2022 WUKF European Karate Championships in Florence, Italy recently and along with his teammates was crowned European Champions in the 'Under 11 Years Team' category. This is a truly amazing achievement and we, as a school, are very proud of Leo.  

Stem - Year 5

On Tuesday 1st November, Year 5 were visited once again by David Gwynn, our STEM ambassador and local astronomer. He talked about electromagnetic radiation which includes some waves we may have heard of; light waves, U.V. rays and Infrared. David talked about how the new James Webb telescope, which was successfully deployed in December, is able to to capture images from the infrared spectrum which means it can see further back in time- perhaps only 100 million years after the Big Bang to the formation of the very first stars! He also showed us a picture of one of the earliest galaxies to be formed.
The children were all very engaged and asked a range of interesting and brilliant questions.
We were lucky to see an infrared camera that David had brought in. We used it to see how it is able to pick up heat and light, even from where we had been sitting on the carpet moments before. We were all fascinated! (As well as being very amused to see heat imprints from our bottoms on the carpet!)

The Secret Garden - visiting Theatre Company

We had a visiting Theatre Company in school to perform 'The Secret Garden' to all of the children. Everybody enjoyed the performance and Year 6 also enjoyed a Drama Workshop afterwards.

Mental Health Day

We had the Schools Mental Health Team working with the children and showing them how to look after their
mental health. 

Year 6 Bikeability

Year 6 have been undertasking Bikeability training, both on the School premesis and out in our Community. They have all worked very hard with our community instructors and school staff. 

Year 5 STEM Visit

Year 5 had a visit from a solar system specialist to teach the children about the lives of stars, nebulae and black holes. 

Year 5 Forest Schools

Year 5 had a fantastic time doing Forest School activities in our Nature Area

Year 5 Learning about Wind Turbines

Mr Clark kindly came into school to tell the children about his work on the wind turbine network. The children even got to try out some of the specialist
equipment used in the industry.

Able Writers Day

The children really enjoyed our Able Writers Day and were thrilled to meet an author! The children, as a result, have been so inspired and enthusiastic about their writing and storytelling. 

Jubilee Dance Celebration Year 4

As part of our Jubilee day in school Miss Hacon taught the children a dance from every decade of the Queens reign. They had lots of fun and worked really hard on the dances. 



Respect, Acceptance and Kindness Workshops

All of the children have taken part in workshops led by a visiting speaker on the subject of Respect, Acceptance and Kindness this week with their class. It was great to see the children so engaged and enthusiastic in discussing the subject. 

Year 3 Lego Coding

Year 3 have a fun session with the Primary School Outreach team from the East Norfolk Sixth Form College. We learnt to create programs to move motors, switch on lights and make noise. We learnt a lot, developed our team working skills and have great fun!

Year 3 Allotment

Year 3 growing vegetables in the School allotment. They had lots of fun! We love outdoor learning at Carlton Colville Primary. 

Year 4 Book Club

Year 4 children Millie and Amelia are so excited about their favourite books they have decided to form a book club in school. The children meet at lunchtime once a week. This week they discussed their favourite books and why they like them . Their list of favourites were:

Plastic Sucks by Dougie Poynter (Isabelle)

Sleepovers by Jaqueline Wilson (Ellie-Mae)

Demon Dentist by David Walliams (Noor)

Dork Diaries Party Time by Rachel Renee Russel (Holly)

The Long Haul by Jeff Kinney (Harper)

The Diary of a Super Awesome Kid by Jeff Kinney (Mia)

Tom Gates Absolutely Fantastic (Most of the Time) by Liz Pichon (Millie)

Gangsta Granny by David Walliams (Amelia )

Bigfoot, Tobin and Me by Melissa Savage (Mrs Plummer)

Well done girls for inspiring us all!

Year 4 Kennings Poems

Year 4 have been filming their own Kenning poems based on the legends of Grendel or Beowulf, using iMovie, with stunning results.


Year 3 Fabulous Finish Day – Roman v Celts

Year 3 had a fabulous time on their Roman V Celts day! In the morning,  the Monkeys class made beautiful Celtic roundhouses and completed a Celtic fitness programme. They looked amazing with their Celt costumes and wode patterns on their faces. The Bee’s class were the Romans! They learnt all about life as a Roman soldier, took part in a boot camp for Legionnaires and learnt some key Latin words. In the afternoon, we re-enacted Boudicca’s revolt and staged the four battles she and her tribe fought against the Romans. The Celts fought like fearless warriors by shouting and running courageously towards the Roman army! The Romans behaved very differently. They held their lines with clever teamwork and tactics. Although the Celts won the first three battles, ultimately, they were defeated by the almighty Roman army machine! Upon their defeat, all the Celts were made to convert to Roman and everyone enjoyed a fantastic Roman feast around a huge fire pit. We all agreed we had a brilliant day to finish off this topic and that we had learnt so much about Celts and the Romans. Unsurprisingly, we all had very strong opinions about the actions of the Romans and Boudicca.
Miss Schroder and Mrs Gray would like to thank all year 3 support staff, Mr Sprules and parents for helping us make this day a great success. 

Year 5 Democracy Play

Year 5 have been working really hard on their Democracy play which was an amazing potted history of democracy from the Ancient Greeks  to the present day with several stops in between. We were also delighted to be performing to a live audience  for the first time in over two years! Oscar and Molly have also written excellent reviews of the play.

Choir - World Book Day

The Choir recorded a special song for world book day.



Year 3 - Norwich Castle

On Thursday, Year 3 went on an exciting school trip to Norwich Castle to learn about the Romans and the Iceni tribes that lived in this area of England roughly 2000 years ago. We met Iceni and Roman characters throughout the day and learnt about their different ways of life. At the end of the day we were asked to decide whether we thought the Romans were right to invade and change the lives of the Iceni people. The majority of children thought that they did not have the right and should not have invaded! We all agreed that we had a brilliant time.

Special visitors in Nursery.

The children in Nursery were very lucky to have two special visitors recently to link to their topic ‘Helpful Heroes’. 
They enjoyed a visit from a fantastic firefighter who came in to tell them about working in the fire service and they also saw his protective clothing.  
The second visitor was much smaller and she was very soft! To link to the week about vets, on our whole school wellbeing day, the children enjoyed a visit from Lemon the guinea pig. The children were so sensible and loved seeing and stroking Lemon. They even carefully held Lemon and fed her some spinach! 

Lego with Year 4

Year 4 had some visitors from East Norfolk Sixth Form College who brought some very exciting LEGO with them! The children learnt how to code a ferris wheel.In teams, they programmed lights, rotations and then changed the order of their sequences. Endless fun!

Year 3 Gymnastics

Year 3 have been doing some fantastic Gymnastics this week. They had so much fun too.

Church Christmas Assembly - Early Years

The Early Years children linked up with St Peter's Church and enjoyed a special socially distanced Christmas assembly. The Nursery and Reception children all sat beautifully and listened so carefully to the Christmas story. They were fantastic at answering questions about the story.

Diwali - Year 1

Year 1 had a lovely day celebrating Diwali and learning about the Hindu faith.

Outside Learning

A big thank you to the volunteers from year 4 and year 5 who helped to plant about 400 bulbs and 450 wildflower seed bombs in our new meadow areas. We hope that our efforts will transform these new areas next spring. Mr Page has finished cutting and raking the areas and adding some seating too. Our new meadow area is really taking shape.

Gardening Club

Our Gardening club have been working hard with Mrs Carruthers and our community allotment volunteers in the school allotment to grow some seasonal produce. 

Stop Go Animation - Year 6

Year 6 preparing scenery for their stop go animation project.

Owl babies - Year 1

Some fabulous Owl baby artwork from Year 1

Roald Dahl Day - Year 4

Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic Roald Dahl Day. The children and staff all dressed as their favorite Roald Dahl characters and a highlight of the day was the character art the children completed. They were given half the face of a Roald Dahl character and then completed the other half by sketching and using oil pastels. The children put in lots of care and effort with this and we were all so impressed with how they turned out!

Year 3 - Mental Health Day

Year 3 have had a very busy and productive World Mental Health day. We started with a “Relax Kids session”, where we were very active and enjoyed lots of games. We also massaged each other and learnt some relaxation techniques! After that we went into the Wildlife Area. We split into groups, planting bulbs, completing a “Mindfulness trail” and listening to the story, “The Bog Baby”.  We all agreed that the activities were lots of fun. (And thanks to the parents for donations of bulbs!)
After lunch, we tried some more breathing techniques and learnt how to use them when we are feeling upset or overwhelmed. We finished with some work on the Zones of Regulation and thinking about how we can keep ourselves feeling calm, happy and safe at school and what to do when we are not. We finished the day with the Superstars Assembly. 

Time and Tide Museum - Year 3

This week, year 3 went on a great trip to the Time and Tide museum to learn about the Stone Age. We learnt how to be hunters and we practised sneaking around with spears to catch animals like deer and bison. We used willow to make a Stone Age shelter and covered it with animal furs to make it strong and waterproof. It was very cosy! We learnt about the animals that lived in Suffolk in the Stone Age and how we know about them. We held Stone Age weapons and studied the different animal fossils. The children were very knowledgeable through all activities and asked and answered questions well. A great day was had by all!

Year 2 Superhero Logos

Year 2 have been making superhero logos. We are sure Elliot the Midnight Superhero would be impressed as much as we were.

Gala Tent Competition

We are so proud of Sophie in year 2 for winning an impressive tent for our school. We are sure you will all agree the design is stunning and it looks amazing on our school field. Sophie decided on an animal theme so it fits in well with our wildlife and meadows areas in school. The tent has already been used for the sports days and we will use it a lot for outdoor learning activities and other whole school activities. Well done Sophie!

Year 3 Science and Computing

In Science, Year 3 children have been learning about the life cycle of flowering plants. We have put all of our knowledge on a Powerpoint Presentation that explains the lifecycle to others. We added some amazing animations to create interest for the reader and to model some of the processes. Mrs Gray was very impressed with everyone's "tinkering" skills. ( A key skill when it comes to Computational Thinking!)  and how much resilience was shown when the coding didn't work quite as expected the first time around! Well done everyone!

Year 3 - Walking in the community

We had a great time walking around Carlton Colville this morning and mapping geographical features we saw and taking photos. Next  week we will create our own maps of the local area. 

Year 3 Art

Year 3 produced some fantastic art basesd on the contemporary printmaker and artist Angie Lewin, linking their work to the wildlife garden. 

Community Litter Picking

Some of our pupils have been litter picking in their community to improve everybodies enviroment. We are very proud of them all.

Making pizzas - Nursery

We enjoyed making pizzas when we were learning about Italy. They were delicious!

Learning about soils - Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about soils. We watched some videos a farmer made for us, explaining how soils are important to his farm. We learnt about types of soils and how soil can help plants grow. We even learnt that soil can help against global warming. We then spent time in the school allotment, studying soils. We were amazed by what we found in the soils.

Investigating the Wildlife Area - Year 3

Year 3 have been investigating the Wildlife Area. Here we were drawing maps of the area, in preperation forsome literacy work later in the week. Some of us are also Den Building, which is a lot of fun. We enjoy working as a team.

Nursery - Spaghetti

The children loved cutting up the spaghetti and pretending to make each other noodles. The children spoke about how if felt when we touched it..

Shadow Puppets - Year 3

Year 3 put on a puppet show using shadow puppets.

Our new Nature Area

Our new Nature Area is nearing completion and is now able to be used by the children. Year 3 were den building and sketching bugs. Everybody had a
wonderful time in the sunshine.

Year 5 Terrarium

As part of our sparkling start to the summer term topic, ‘Our World’, Year 5 designed and created their own terrariums! Children collected the materials they needed to create their individual terrariums. These included a clean glass jar, moss and any other plants, acorns and pinecones, soil, stones and a plastic layer to separate the soil from the stones and allow for water drainage. 
The children started by laying a thin layer of stones and carefully lay their plastic layer on top. They had carefully poked multiple holes into their plastic layer which would let any excess water in the soil drain out through to the stones. They then topped this layer with soil before spending time carefully decorating their jars to make the most aesthetically pleasing and eye catching terrariums. The final job was to add water which would be recycled throughout the terrariums life cycle. 
When the terrariums were exactly the way they wanted, the children closed the lids and placed our terrariums on the windowsill. As we have plants in our jars, we need to make sure they get the light they need to survive. The sunlight also helped make sure the water cycle took place within our terrariums: evaporating the water into water vapour which then collects on the lids as condensation and precipitates back onto the plants and into the soil and down through to the stones.
The children really loved making their terrariums and this activity will segway into learning all about our world and different biomes around the world. Children will be able to identify that the objects they collected for their biome would differ, perhaps greatly, to what they would find in other biomes around the world.

Explorer Day - Year 2

Today the children came in dressed up as explorers. They looked as if they were ready to blend into their surroundings. Many of them carried useful tools for exploration eg compasses, binoculars and animals that they had found on their travels. We were being historians for the day and were learning about the voyage of Charles Darwin on board the HMS Beagle. We set off around the school, stopping at different key points of Darwin’s journey. Cape Verde was exciting, followed by Montevideo where Darwin bought the skull of the Toxodon, a kind of gigantic, prehistoric mammal, similar to a rhino. We all laughed at how Darwin discovered The Rheas, a kind of bird similar to the ostrich and made our way to the Galapagos islands where Darwin made some of his most amazing discoveries.
Next we had a go at making our own shelter for Darwin. We used a range of materials to create a sturdy and strong place for him to keep warm, sleep and stay safe. Year two showed great teamwork skills by helping their peers with their shelters.
In the afternoon we create a picture using tissue paper and pencils. It was of a bottle drifting in the ocean left by Charles Darwin.
All of us were very tired from our busy day but we agreed we had used curiosity, independence and communication throughout the day.

New Nature Area

We are so excited about our new Nature Area. The den building area is taking shape. The digger is excavating the pond! We have new bug hotels and slug shelters in place. The flower beds are being constructed and lovely benches are ready for us to relax and study nature on.  The hibernator is ready too. This will be a great safe haven for loads of animals and we are really excited that we will be able to use it for lessons soon. Thanks to Mrs Gray and Mr Sprules for making this happen!

Year 3 Roman Day

Year 3 held a Roman Day. The children dressed up in Roman Costume and took part in activities on the playground. We also held a virtual session with the Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth. They had a brilliant day bringing history alive. 

Virtual Cross Country

Earlier this term, cross country runners from every year group took part in a virtual cross country competition organised by the North Suffolk Sports and Health Partnership. Each runner ran laps of our 400m outdoor course contributing towards a total time for our school. After all the races, Carlton Colville Primary School won the event beating off competition from across Lowestoft. Well done to all the exceptional runners that took part. 

Mary Anning - Year 3

The children would like to share a display of their Mary Anning books with you all. They all wrote a biography of Mary Anning's life. We proofread our work and made improvements to ensure we met the success criteria. In Art we then created front covers for our books and wrote a "blurb" to entice our readers!
We are very proud of our work and we are waiting for a visit from the Senior Leaders, so we can show them our writing!

Year 5 Anti- Bullying

Year Five have produced this fantastic anti bullying display.


The children and staff made these lovely poppies for remembrance this year.

Nursery explore the school grounds

Nursery spent some time exploring the school grounds in the sunshine on Mental Health day.

Year 3 Volcanoes

Year 3 have been learning about volcanoes around the world. We learned how they are formed and looked at Atlas's to discover where they are located. The photos show us making them out of clay and painting them. On Friday we will be conducting science experiments to learn about chemical reactions.

Year 5 Art

Year 5 completed some fantastic space related art work inspired by the artists El Gato Gomez. Here are some of the art pieces that the children produced.

Year 3 Coding

Year 3 been learning how to use repetition in our code. We used Scratch to make our own animations with moving characters. Many of us were very creative and there was a real buzz of excitement in the room! We are learning all the skills required to make our own Stone Age animation at the end of the project.

Year 5 Shadow Investigation

Year 5 spent Friday morning carrying out a science investigation about shadows. They drew around each other's shadows and went outside at different points in the day to see how the shadows had changed. Year 5 will use the data they have collected to write up their experiments and draw conclusions about the sun and shadows. 

Year 6 Science

In Year 6, we have been learning about materials and mixtures.  We predicted and tested how to separate mixtures using a range of techniques.

Snape Maltings Performance

On Saturday 7th March, 18 children year from 4, 5 and 6 performed at the 2020 Snape Maltings Celebration concert. The children performed 2 songs, one of which was particularly complex due to the range of harmonies which they had to learn. The children had been rehearsing the songs every day over the past few weeks with Mrs. Terry-wright and Mr. Axon.  

On the performance day, the children were fantastic and performed amazingly well. In fact, their confidence was even commented on by the hosts running the performance as the children informed the organisers that they didn’t need a conductor to guide them for either song!


Time and Tide Museum - Year 4

On Monday 4th March 2019, Year 4 went to the Time and Tide Museum in Great Yarmouth. After we arrived, we were split into 3 groups to do the activities. There were 4 activities to do. Everyone was extremely excited! The first of the activities was training to be a Viking Warrior. The second activity we learnt how the Vikings buried their warriors; some were even buried in their longships! The third activity was packing a chest for an Anglo Saxon voyage across the sea and the final activity was learning about King Edmund. Sadly, it was time to leave after all that excitement. All the adults were really proud of the how well we represented our school.  Recount by Year 4 pupils.

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