Personal Development
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Mrs Aggreh | ||
Citizen Team |
Personal Development Overview & Key Documents
Below is our whole school Personal Development overview for the current half-term. For more parent support materials please click on the following link.
RSE & Health Education Curriculum Information
RSE & Health Education Curriculum Companions
Top tips for talking to your child...
Talking to your child about their feelings, relationships and changing body is important. Building good channels of communication throughout childhood can help your child to communicate with you as future issues of increasing seriousness arise.
Your child needs to know that it's OK to talk, and that you're happy to talk. They will learn this through your body language, tone and manner when you talk so try to behave as you would in any other topic of conversation.
Below are simple strategies to make talking about feelings, relationships and the body more comfortable:
✔ Start by talking about something that you both find comfortable, such as feelings and emotions.
✔ Ask your child what they think their friends know/think about the topic, as this provides a way to talk about your child’s views indirectly.
✔ Avoid ‘The Chat’. Talk about these topics little and often over everyday events like playing, drawing, whilst driving in the car or watching TV. This can help to normalise the conversation, easing uncomfortable feelings.
✔ Reading a story book containing relevant content is a helpful way to stimulate discussion with your child.
✔ Don’t leave it too late. Start talking about relevant topics before you feel your child is approaching a level of curiosity about it, so you establish strong channels of communication in readiness.
✔ Be prepared to listen. Your child will want to have their voice heard without feeling judged. Feeling listened to will encourage your child to talk about issues in the future.
✔ If your child asks you a question you are not sure how to answer, don’t panic! Let them know that you will answer it at another time, making sure you remember to. Sometimes a simple answer can provide a sufficient response.
✔ Try to listen calmly, even if what they say surprises or concerns you. Remember that it is good that they are comfortable to discuss issues with you. They need to trust that you will not respond negatively.
Make sure your child knows they can always talk to you anytime, about anything.
Intent - What do we want children to learn?
At Carlton Colville, we continually strive to nurture and educate the children in order to help them to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to live happy, healthy and successful lives, now and in the future.the physical and emotional well-being of our children is a priority.
We place high priority on areas such as: (not an exhaustive list)
- Citizenship
- Inclusion and equality of opportunity
- Development of character
- Pupil Voice and Leadership
- Wider opportunities
- British Values
Personal Development is taught through a range of implicit and explicit learning opportunities and is embedded throughout the curriculum. RSE and most Health Education objectives are covered during discrete lessons each half term (this is done using the SCARF whole school programme). Health education is also covered in other curriculum subjects, such as science. Personal Development content is also enhanced by whole school events, weekly assemblies, enrichment activities, speakers and visitors, half-term school values and our daily use of Learning Aliens (8 learning skills).
Our Personal Development curriculum includes (but is not limited to) objectives linked to the following themes:
- Health and Well-being (including mental well-being balanced diets, exercise and drug education).
- Relationships (including friendships, RSE and equality and diversity).
SCARF – Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship
SCARF's whole-school approach supports primary schools in promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement – giving them everything they need to meet the new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory requirements. More than just a PSHE scheme of work, SCARF supports great learning every day. SCARF represents our values for children of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.
Meeting all DfE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education, and mapped to the PSHE Association's Programme of Study, SCARF is a framework consisting of lesson plans, online planning, assessment and Ofsted tools to give teachers skills and confidence to embed a comprehensive Relationships and Health Education, PSHE Education and Wellbeing programme throughout the primary years. SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing. Find out about SCARF.
Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?
The Personal Development curriculum is led and overseen by our Citizen Team. A regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and staff support takes place along with the celebration and sharing of good practice. There is an ongoing commitment to evolve and improve the quality and impact of Personal Development for all the children. Subject leaders, along with other key members of staff linked to PD, will oversee the circle time themes whilst helping and organising the implementation of themed days/weeks.
The teaching of Personal Development takes place in many layers and it is essential for every child’s Personal Development to underpin every lesson, activity and event that they are involved with. All classes receive 45 minutes of Personal Development session most weeks. At the start of each session, pupils are reminded of the expectations including showing mutual respect to others and the use of the safe space.
Within the RSHE and PSHE sessions, each child has the opportunity to share their views and opinions along with knowing the classroom is a safe and secure environment to do so. Children are made aware of a safe space which is available during these sessions if they need to remove themselves for a period of time.
The needs of individuals are met by providing reasonable adjustments, dedicated support staff, a range of equipment, safe spaces in which to work and when appropriate differentiated tasks which enable all pupils to make good progress over time. On occasions, children will be given support prior to the RSHE/PHSE session to allow them more time to grasp new vocabulary and content.
The teaching of PSHE and RSHE offers opportunities to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children through the way we expect them to work with each other in lessons. Working in pairs or groups allow children to work together and gives them a chance to discuss their ideas and opinions.
Personal Development helps to enable the children to develop a mutual respect and tolerance for people’s views and opinions, discern from right and wrong, understand their own and others behaviours and beliefs and recognise common aspects across cultural, religious and ethnic communities. It also helps to encourage them to cooperate across a range of activities and experiences. Personal Development helps children to develop a better understanding of themselves, each other and members of society.
We also provide a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities to further enhance the children's Personal Development. These include:
- A wide range of pupil leadership roles these include: Play Leaders, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Junior Road Safety Officers, Junior Librarians, Museum Curators, Wildlife Wardens, Eco-Warriors, Digital Safety Leaders and Year 6 Family Circle Leaders;
- A range of extra-curricular clubs (theatre, mindfullness, many sports clubs, gardening club and many others);
- Enrichment sessions includes: art, presentations, mindfulness, photography and British Sign Language;
- Visitors, speakers and live experiences.
- Trips and excursions.
Impact - Examples include...
Our Personal Development curriculum, enrichment. pupil leadership roles and extra-curricular activities gives the children the best opportunity to educate them about the importance of being a respectful, active member of society who can live in a multi-cultural world, utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through our curriculum.
Highlighted Personal Development impact includes: (this is not an exhaustive list)
- A weekly 45-minute Personal Development session with, when appropriate, a similar whole school focus.
- Pupils voice - lots of opportunities to collect children's views and opinions.
- Daily Newsround viewing to allow discussion around current UK and Worldwide affairs.
- Assemblies linked to British Values, Citizenship and SMSC.
- Learning skills and half-termly values encourage development of character.
- Pupil leadership roles continue to be a cornerstone of the children’s Personal Development.
- Children have the opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular clubs e.g. gardening, parkour, high intensity dance.
- Family Circle Groups happen twice each half term with year 6 children leading this pupil voice forum.
- The weekly circle time sessions allow for live feedback, addressing any in class year group or playground issues.
- A calendar of whole school themed days provides opportunities throughout the year to further enhance development of character, citizenship and celebrating our community.
Pupil Voice
Harley - “We’ve been learning about our feelings. It’s good to learn to talk about them because it helps you to be happier.”
Isla - “We’ve been learning to talk about our feelings and not to just keep them inside. Talking about them helps you to feel better.”
India - “The mood tracker is a good thing as the adults will come and speak to you if you are on blue or red.”