Museum Curators
Museum Curators look after the artefacts within our School Museum and our Curiosity Corner. Children from Year 4-6 are apply for and are recruited to undertake this leadership role. Mr Midmore oversees the Museum Curators and supports them when needed.
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Pupil Voice and Leadership Information
Museum curators are trained to set up and facilitate historical enquiry activities. For example sorting artefacts into primary and secondary sources. They also ask questions such as 'What do you think this shows us about the past?'
As well as the artefacts in the museum, the school has replicas of an Anderson shelter and an Anglo-Saxon hut. The curators take groups of children to the buildings, provide them with a little background information and then ask questions to think about what it was like for people that had to live or use these spaces.
The children continually help shape and enhance the museum by making suggestions and sharing ideas with how this area can help develop the children's curiosity about history and beyond.
Our Museum and Curiosity Corner are open every lunchtime. The children, across the school, can freely access these areas and the Museum Curators are available throughout most sessions.
Pupil Voice
'I really like going here and learning about history' Year 4 pupil.
'It's fun and I like learning about things from a long time ago' Year 2 pupil.