Year 6 Learning Information
Narwhals | Giraffes |
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Miss Palmer / Mr Taylor | Mrs Plummer |
Curriculum Information
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Year 6! We are so excited for the start of a new academic year and were greatly impressed by all of the children on the transition days.
This term we begin a topic entitled, “We’ll Meet Again”. This topic involves going back in time to look at what childhood was like during World War II in Lowestoft. The first three days back will be delving into our art curriculum – we will be using wartime artist Eric Ravilious as inspiration for our print work of wartime Lowestoft.
As the topic continues, the children will receive an immersive experience into WW2 childhood: experiencing evacuation, digging for victory, propaganda, Morse Code and an air raid drill. The focus is on wartime childhood and war on the Home Front. In writing, the children will write a diary entry from the perspective on an evacuee child and will also write a recount of their experiences at the Crucial Crew trip.
We will be looking closely at “War Boy” by Michael Foreman, who spent his childhood in Lowestoft during the war. We will be analysing this book as a historical source and will be comparing his childhood to our own. We will also use the film text “Goodnight Mr Tom” and look at a range of stories with a World War II setting.
In December, the topic will close with a 1940s/50s style tea dance, where the children can celebrate the end of WW2 and show off their rock n roll dance moves!
In addition to all of this learning, we will of course be preparing a Christmas Carol Concert for parents and carers to enjoy just before the Christmas holidays and we will visit our local church for a Christmas service.
Some useful web-links for this term; - arithmetic practice
BBC KS2 Bitesize – covers all subjects
The Year 6 Team
Summer Term 2024
Happy Summer Term!
Our topic this term is entitled, “Adventure is Out There!” which is a quote taken from Disney’s “UP”. We use this film as a sparkling start into the topic, which includes an exploration of North and South America and is underpinned with by a focus on exploration and global travel.
In history and science, we will be learning about Charles Darwin and how his travel to the Galapagos Islands helped to shape his theory of evolution. We will be learning about evolution, inheritance and adaptation.
In English, the pupils will have the opportunity to create their own persuasive text.
Three major highlights of this term are our residential visit to Eaton Vale, our year 6 production and the Leavers’ Ceremony. we are greatly looking forward to all three!
Finally, our new class novel will be “Wonder” by RJ Palacio. We will explore the issues of acceptance, tolerance and anti-bullying as part of the transition work we will be providing to prepare the children for high school.
Spring Term 2024
This half term, pupils will begin the new Ancient Egyptian topic of ‘Tombraiders!” as the children immerse themselves in Ancient Egyptian civilisation. As part of our superstart, pupils will attempt to escape our very own “Tut’s Tomb Escape Room” and ask themselves – whose tomb could this be?
Throughout this topic, pupils will encounter several writing opportunities based off live demonstrations and their own personal interests.
In art, pupils will be developing drawing skills (learning how to depict movement, shadow and reflection) and will have the opportunity to look at still life and landscape drawing. Pupils will draw tomb artefacts and will also depict the landscape of the River Nile.
In geography, pupils will study the topography of Egypt and where specific landmarks are in relation to one another throughout the country.As we come to end of the topic, the children experience a CSI Murder Mystery Day (science-based) led by a member of Pakefield High School.
Autumn Term 2023
Welcome to Year 6! We are so excited for the start of a new academic year and were greatly impressed by all of the children on the transition days.
This term we begin a topic entitled, “We’ll Meet Again”. This topic involves going back in time to look at what childhood was like during World War II in Lowestoft. The first three days back will be delving into our art curriculum – we will be using wartime artist Eric Ravilious as inspiration for our print work of wartime Lowestoft.
As the topic continues, the children will receive an immersive experience into WW2 childhood: experiencing evacuation, digging for victory, propaganda, Morse Code and an air raid drill. The focus is on wartime childhood and war on the Home Front. In writing, the children will write a diary entry from the perspective on an evacuee child and will also write a recount of their experiences at the Crucial Crew trip.
We will be looking closely at “War Boy” by Michael Foreman, who spent his childhood in Lowestoft during the war. We will be analysing this book as a historical source and will be comparing his childhood to our own. We will also use the film text “Goodnight Mr Tom” and look at a range of stories with a World War II setting.
In December, the topic will close with a 1940s/50s style tea dance, where the children can celebrate the end of WW2 and show off their rock n roll dance moves!
In addition to all of this learning, we will of course be preparing a Christmas Carol Concert for parents and carers to enjoy just before the Christmas holidays and we will visit our local church for a Christmas service.
In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at the Meet the Team event on Monday 11th, where you will receive lots of information about the year ahead and will be given the chance to ask any questions. Alternatively, you can always contact us via the school office.
The Year 6 Team
Summer Term 2023
Happy Summer Term!
Our topic this term is entitled, “Adventure is Out There!” which is a quote taken from Disney’s “UP”. We use this film as a sparkling start into the topic, which includes an exploration of North and South America and is underpinned with by a focus on exploration and global travel.
In history and science, we will be learning about Charles Darwin and how his travel to the Galapagos Islands helped to shape his theory of evolution. We will be learning about evolution, inheritance and adaptation.
Later in the summer, we will also learn the physical process of sound and hearing in science, and the ancient Maya civilisation in history.
In English, we are going to learn about Greenpeace and the Amazonian Rainforest Appeal. Pupils will then have the opportunity to create their own persuasive text, persuading the reader to support an endangered species from North or South America.
In DT, pupils will be creating their own jigsaws detailing locations they would like to visit when they are older (and when international travel is possible)!
Three major highlights of this term are our residential visit to Eaton Vale, our year 6 production of “The Wizard of Oz” and the Leavers’ Ceremony and we are greatly looking forward to all three!
Finally, our new class novel will be “Wonder” by RJ Palacio. We will explore the issues of acceptance, tolerance and anti-bullying as part of the transition work we will be providing to prepare the children for high school.
Spring Term 2023
This half term, we are continuing our World War II topic “We’ll Meet Again” for the first couple of weeks. Before Christmas, we studied the film “Goodnight Mr Tom” and the book “War Boy” by Michael Foreman. This half term, we take our understanding of life on the home front deeper still, by using “pretending posters” to create our own World War II evacuee children. In role as this child, we will write an evacuee letter home.
We will be reading extracts from World War II-themed stories including “When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit” and “Goodnight Mr Tom” and watching Imperial War Museum footage of rationing, digging for victory and evacuation.
After WW2, we will begin the new Ancient Egyptian topic of ‘Tomb raiders!” The children will experience several writing opportunities based off live demonstrations. Writing will include: mummification instructions, persuading a pharaoh to buy a new tomb that is for sale and to write a recount about a CSI investigation (led by Pakefield high) about the death of Rameses III.
As we come to end of the topic, the children will become museum curators at The British Museums Exhibition of Egyptology showing you around the artefacts founds in King Tutu’s tomb; seasons turners, showing the importance of the Nile and many other wonderful work from the term.
Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions or would like to know more about the intended Year 6 learning this term.
The Year 6 Team
Autumn Term 2022
Autumn 1
Welcome to Year 6! We are so excited for the start of a new academic year and we plan to spend lots of time having fun and settling the children back in to the school routine. Our Harry Potter topic, “The Boy Who Lived” will be continued on the first day back and the children will enjoy creating their house crests for the half-term, as well as writing evaluations to the drama they performed on the transition days in July.
Speaking of the July transition days, pupils greatly enjoyed “The Sorting Ceremony” and were sorted into one of the four Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. The children will now be encouraged to earn as many house points as possible during this first half of the autumn half term, ready for the awarding of the House Cup at Dumbledore’s Feast.
Date for your diaries: Dumbledore’s Feast will be Friday 14th October 2022 at 1:50pm and parents and carers are invited! More details to follow soon (mainly concerning the food).
The Year 6 team would now like to draw your attention to some of the other highlights planned for this first half term. Your children will be immersed in the world of Harry Potter as they learn about materials in chemistry lessons, through the chemistry and biology through the “Hogwarts” subject of Potions. In English, pupils will be learning about magical creatures, and will be writing a discussion text which asserts the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a magical creature as a pet. Our class reader this half term is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and, in guided reading, we will be studying David Almond’s novel, “Skellig”, which deals with magic in a subtler way. In PE, students will have the opportunity to develop their hockey skills and will have the chance to play and adapt Muggle Quidditch. Finally, the children will enjoy designing and making a familiar (pet) that can keep them company throughout the academic year ahead.
It truly is an exciting curriculum this half term, and we look forward to showcasing it to you at Dumbledore’s Feast!
Autumn 2
This half term we begin a new topic entitled, “We’ll Meet Again”. This new topic involves going back in time to look at what childhood was like during World War II in Lowestoft. We will be looking closely at “War Boy” by Michael Foreman, who spent his childhood in Lowestoft during the war. We will be analysing this book as a historical source and will be comparing his childhood to our own. We will also use the film text “Goodnight Mr Tom” and look at a range of stories with a World War II setting.
The focus is on wartime childhood and war on the Home Front. In writing, the children will write a diary entry from the perspective on an evacuee child and will also write a recount of their experiences at the Crucial Crew trip.
This half term will also see the launch of another home-learning challenge for year 6 – looking at wartime rationing and recipes, and possibly having a go at cooking at home! We hope you enjoy this exciting learning with your child.
In addition to all of this learning, we will of course be preparing a Christmas Carol Concert for parents and carers to enjoy just before the Christmas holidays and we will visit our local church for a Christmas service. We will be using wartime artist Eric Ravilious as inspiration for some special Christmas Cards and other artwork.
The Year 6 Team