Year 4 Learning Information
Bees | Meerkats |
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Mrs Gray | Mrs Parris-Wigg / Mrs Murray |
Curriculum Information
Spring Term 2025
Happy New Year. We hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for what 2025 has in store.
This term, Year 4 will be learning about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. Through studying artefacts and historical sources, the children will learn about this important period of time and how it shaped England as we know it. We will also be extending our historical investigations by stepping back in time to visit Norwich Castle for an Anglo Saxon experience day, as well as having a conference call with experts from Sutton Hoo, the site of an Anglo-Saxon burial.
In English, we will write a factual newspaper report about an Anglo-Saxon dig and a discussion text about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings settling/invading England. We will learn the Anglo-Saxon tale of Beowulf, and the children will be writing their own version of the story, creating their own mythical creatures and character descriptions. Writing will also be completed through different areas of the curriculum such DT.
In maths, the children will learn multiplication and division written methods, and learn about measurements and shape. In preparation for the national timetables test in June 2024, we will be using Timetables Rockstars regularly to embed the tables up to 12x12. Please continue to encourage your child to complete their 3 minute daily homework challenge on TTRockstars. Short daily recall of time tables facts has been proven to help the children make solid progress.
In science, we will be learning about sound and states of matter. We will learn how we hear and investigate how sounds travel. We will also learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and how they change states. The children will explore these areas through a range of scientific investigations.
In art and DT, we will be practising our sketching skills, leading to observational drawings of historical artefacts. We will also be improving our sewing skills, and creating an Anglo-Saxon pouch.
In computing, we will be learning about how we can communicate and collaborate online, which will involve using Google Drive to learn and develop key skills.
In PE we will be covering units in dance and gymnastics.
For the full curriculum coverage, please see the curriculum map on the website.
Big Spelling tests will continue each week. Diaries will also continue to be checked on a Monday to ensure children are benefitting from regularly reading to an adult. We will also monitor that children are making progress with their TTrockstars heat maps.
Thank you for your continued support and we are all looking forward to a fun and busy Spring term ahead.
Autumn Term 2024
This term, Year 4 will be learning about all things Roald Dahl. We will be using his creative and inspiring stories and characters to bring life to our first topic. On the first week we will enjoy a themed dress up day. During the day, children will be able to go on a treasure hunt to learn fun facts about Roald Dahl; meet Willy Wonka and design and make our own creative “Wonka” style snacks; and learnt to sing and dance like the children from the musical “Matilda”. Later in the half term, we are inviting a professional drama group to come to the school. We will take part in a drama workshop based on Roald Dahl stories, The BFG and The Twits. We will use these workshops to develop our own writing skills.
Maths this term will focus on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We will be continuing to embed and master the formal written methods that we learnt in year 3, as well as completing lots of problem solving and reasoning. In preparation for the national timetables test in June 2024, we will be using Timetables Rockstars regularly to embed the tables up to 12x12. We will focus on the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 tables that we have yet to learn in class, but there will be regular revision of the rest of the timetables too. Part of the homework throughout the year will be focused on regular practising of the timetables.
To start off our literacy this term, we will be writing a trick for the Twits book. The children will study the structure and style of Roald Dahl’s Twits’ tricks and then plan and write their own. Then, taking inspiration from the BFG, the children will write a suspense text! We will be writing a suspense scene involving Sophie and the Giants. Lastly the children will write a tour guide for visitors to the weird and wonderful Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory. Finally, we will be creating poems about our teacher’s based on one written by Roald Dahl.
Our art will be inspired by Monica Van Den Berg and include some sculptures of characters from Roald Dahl stories. Also, using the amazing illustrations of Quentin Blake, we will create our own illustrations using oil pastels.
We will be learning about electricity in our science lessons, including electrical safety. The children will learn how to draw and understand electrical circuits and the components used in them. After this the children will further their learning of teeth and digestion; learning the process of digestion as well as how to eat healthily.
In computing, the children will further develop their Scratch coding skills to create games with user instructions. We will also learn how to use a Google Chrome book to create, edit and share documents.
For the full curriculum coverage, please see the curriculum map on the website.
Homework will be set weekly and collected in on a Monday. Diaries will also continue to be checked to ensure children are benefitting from regularly reading with an adult.
Summer Term 2024
This term, Year 4’s new topic will be ‘Go With The Flow’, where the learning will be based around rivers and the water cycle, including some investigations into pollution.
In Literacy, we will write an information text about a made-up creature that the children will invent themselves, as well as an explanation text about how an anti-pollution machine works. We will also be writing a pollution-based story inspired by the book ‘Peter’s Place’, and a recount of our trip to Carlton Marshes.
In Maths, we will be continuing our learning about fractions and decimals, and then moving onto work on coordinates, measures, charts, graphs and tables and some missing number problems.
Science will feature heavily this term, where the children will enjoy learning about states of matter and classification of plants and animals.
In History, we will develop our understanding of a time period post 1066. We will study the Elizabethan period.
We will also be going on a trip to Carlton Marshes to further develop our field work skills as part of our Geography learning, in addition to studying rivers, including how they are formed, the features of a river and taking a closer look at a local river to our area.
Spring Term 2024
Spring 2024
This term, Year 4 will be learning about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. Through studying artefacts and historical sources, the children will learn about this important period of time and how it shaped England as we know it. We will also be extending our historical investigations by stepping back in time to visit West Stow, an Anglo-Saxon village, as well as having a video call with experts from Sutton Hoo, the site of an Anglo-Saxon burial.
In literacy, we will write a factual newspaper report about an Anglo-Saxon dig and a discussion text about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings settling/invading England. We will learn the Anglo-Saxon tale of Beowulf, and the children will be writing their own version of the story, creating their own mythical creatures and character descriptions. Writing will also be completed through different areas of the curriculum such DT.
In maths, the children will learn division written methods, and learn about measurements and shape. In preparation for the national timetables test in June 2024, we will be using Timetables Rockstars regularly to embed the tables up to 12x12. We will focus on the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 tables that we have yet to learn in class, but there will be regular revision of the rest of the timetables too. Using Timestables Rockstars at home will help the children feel even more confident about their times tables.
In science, we will be learning about sound and states of matter. We will learn how we hear. We will also learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and how they change states. The children will explore these areas through a range of scientific investigations.
In art and DT, we will be practising our sketching skills, leading to observational drawings of historical artefacts. We will also be improving our sewing skills, and creating an Anglo-Saxon pouch.
In computing, we will be learning about how we can communicate and collaborate online, which will involve using computers and Google Drive to learn and develop key skills.
For the full curriculum coverage, please see the curriculum map on the website.
Homework will be set weekly and collected in on a Monday morning. Diaries will also continue to be checked on a Monday to ensure children are benefitting from regularly reading to an adult.
Thank you for your continued support and we are all looking forward to a busy Spring term ahead.
The Year 4 Team
Autumn Term 2023
This term, Year 4 will be learning about all things Roald Dahl. We will be using his creative and inspiring stories and characters to bring life to our first topic. On the first week we will enjoy a themed dress up day. During the day, children will be able to go on a treasure hunt to learn fun facts about Roald Dahl; meet Willy Wonka and design and make our own creative “Wonka” style snacks; and learnt to sing and dance like the children from the musical “Matilda”. Later in the half term, we are inviting a professional drama group to come to the school. We will take part in a drama workshop based on Roald Dahl stories The BFG and The Twits. We will use these workshops to develop our own writing skills.
Maths this term will focus on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We will be continuing to embed and master the formal written methods that we learnt in year 3, as well as completing lots of problem solving and reasoning. In preparation for the national timetables test in June 2024, we will be using Timetables Rockstars regularly to embed the tables up to 12x12. We will focus on the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 tables that we have yet to learn in class, but there will be regular revision of the rest of the timetables too.
To start off our literacy this year, we will be writing a trick for the Twits book. The children will study the structure and style of Roald Dahl’s Twits’ tricks and then plan and write their own. Then, taking inspiration from the BFG, the children will write a set of instructions. Also linked to the BFG, we will be writing a suspense scene involving Sophie and the Giants. Lastly the children will write persuasively to promote Willy Wonka’s chocolate bars, and their own!
Our art will be inspired by Monica Van Den Berg and include some sculptures of characters from Roald Dahl stories. Also, using the amazing illustrations of Quentin Blake, we will create our own illustrations using oil pastels.
We will be learning about electricity in our science lessons, including electrical safety. The children will learn how to draw and understand electrical circuits and the components used in them. After this the children will further their learning of teeth and digestion; learning the process of digestion as well as how to eat healthily.
In computing, the children will further develop their Scratch coding skills to create games with user instructions.
For the full curriculum coverage, please see the curriculum map on the website.
Homework will be set weekly and collected in on a Monday morning. Diaries will also continue to be checked to ensure children are benefitting from regularly reading to an adult.
Summer Term 2023
This term, Year 4’s new topic will be ‘Go With The Flow’, where the learning will be based around oceans and rivers, focussing on pollution and climate change. This will feature in our pieces of writing this term which will include an explanation of how an anti-pollution machine works and a story. In addition, Science will feature heavily this term, where the children will enjoy learning about states of matter and classification of plants and animals. We will be going on a trip to further our science and environment learning; more details to follow.
Spring Term 2023
Happy New Year. We hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for what 2023 has in store.
This term, Year 4 will be learning about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. Through artefacts, the children will learn about this important period of history and how it shaped England as we know it.
As writers, we will write a factual newspaper report about an Anglo-Saxon dig and a discussion text about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings settling/invading England. Literacy will also be taught through storytelling and will include learning about the Anglo Saxon tale, Beowulf. The children will be writing their own version of the Beowulf story, creating their own mythical creatures and character descriptions. Writing will also be completed through different areas of the curriculum such as Science and DT.
In Maths, the children will learn division written methods, and learn about measurements and shape. Times Table Rock Stars will continue and we encourage the use of the website outside of school to boost times table knowledge.
Thank you for your continued support and we are all looking forward to a busy Spring term ahead.
The Year 4 Team
Autumn Term 2022
Website Shortcuts
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings –
Science -