Year 3 Learning Information
Foxes | Otters |
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Miss Norman | Mrs King / Miss Clarke |
Curriculum Information
Spring Term 2025
A warm welcome back to school after what we hope was a relaxing holiday. Our very exciting topic for this term is called ‘Incredible Invaders’. We cover many of the Year 3 Geography and History objectives as we learn about the Stone age, Bronze Age and then we go onto the Iron Age. We study the lives of the Celtic people (Ancient Britons) who lived in the UK in the Iron Age. We predominantly study the life of Boudicca, who was a Celtic Queen, who lived in our area at the time of the Roman invasion. To complement this learning, we are very excited to announce that we have a Roman solider visitor coming to the school in February and a trip to a Celtic village in April to further develop our understanding of the Celtic and Roman ways of life (more information will be sent closer to the time via school ping).
In English, we will be writing an informal letter to Scooby-Doo explaining how he could make better choices, to achieve a balanced diet. We will write a fictional action scene set in the winter. This will be inspired by the chase scene from the “Frozen” films! After this, we will learn to perform winter poetry as a class. We will record ourselves in small groups, making our own videos and editing these into a short film in computing. After we have learnt about the Celtic way of life, we will write a diary entry by a Celtic child. We will finish the term writing a persuasive speech in the role of Boudicca and a discussion text about the actions she took against the Romans and whether she was right to stand up to them.
In Maths, we will focus on multiplication, division and fractions, as well as revising place value, addition and subtraction strategies. We will focus on arithmetic regularly, to develop our confidence within this. Please continue to use TTRS at home as much as you can to secure your multiplication and division facts!
We will be covering the full range of curriculum subjects this term, linking the learning to our topic. Please see the curriculum overview for more information.
We will end the term with a “Fantastic Finish”. Details will follow nearer the time, but the day will involve re-enacting battles dressed as a Roman or Celt, trying some typical Roman and Celtic foods and furthering our learning on the topic.
Please look on our website to find out more about what your child is learning.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions that come to mind.
How to make a shield
Autumn Term 2024
A warm welcome to Year Three!
Our topic for the Autumn Term is called ‘From Bones to Stones’. Our ‘Sparkling Start’ will be a Stone Age dress up day in the first week of term, where children will be able to examine some Stone Age artefacts, learn about how Stone Age people lived and try some of the food our ancestors would have enjoyed.
In English this term, we will compile an information text about sabre toothed tigers, write a letter to Scooby-Doo informing him about how to eat a healthy, balanced diet and a suspense story involving a volcano! We will also write a biography of Mary Anning’s life, the famous fossil hunter!
In Maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies, including the column method. In Science we will begin by looking at how different types of rocks are formed and how they can be used. We will then move onto learning about human bones and the purpose of our skeletons. We will discuss the differences between bones and stones (living and non-living things). We are also looking forward to starting our new journey in to learning to speak, read and write French. We will be covering a full range of curriculum subjects this term, linking our learning to our topic wherever possible. Please see our curriculum map for more information (on the school website). We are all very excited about our school trip to the Time and Tide Museum for a Stone Age Experience on Tuesday 8th October as well.
It is vital you read with your child as much as you can. Remember - Children who read, succeed! We expect your child to read to an adult at least 4 times a week. Each child will get an opportunity to independently change their home reading books when they come in each morning. We will check diary entries each Monday morning. Children will get the opportunity to take part in our class reading challenge, where they can move up the challenge if they have completed their four reads for that week (the reads must be recorded in their reading diaries and signed by an adult). There will be daily phonics and guided reading lessons to develop reading and comprehension skills. All children will also have the option to take books from the Reading Owls scheme and the school library.
It is important the children complete their weekly home learning tasks. The home learning we set is linked to our learning in the classroom - the children are given tasks to support their understanding of our learning, gain more practise or retrieve our learning. The home learning will be handed out in the middle of the week and we ask that they are returned at the beginning of the next week (Monday preferably please!). A dojo points will be given out each week as a reward for completing home learning tasks. Please refer to our Learning Aliens to support your child’s learning skills. These can be found on the school website and the children are familiar with these as we use them a lot in the classroom. For this term, we will be having weekly Big Spell sessions, including tests. Big Spell spellings should be practised at home please and more information will follow separately.
To help develop times table knowledge we will be continuing Times Tables Rockstars. This is a fun and engaging way to recall the times tables facts. We will practise in school, but the children are also encouraged to engage at home on the APP. The children will be provided with login details for their account.
We look forward to speaking with you at the welcome meetings and our parent/carer learning together session we have this term. Learning Review meetings take place later this half term, but please approach us with any queries or questions you have at any time.
The Year 3 Team
Here are some useful websites to help your child:
Here is a video looking at A Day in the Life of a Stone Age Boy
Here is a video looking at Life during the Stone Age
Here is a video on The Stone Age from a Stone Age Expert
Here is a video clip, information and activities on What happened in Prehistoric Britain?
Here is a selection of video clips, information and activities on What Was Life Like in the Middle Stone Age?
Here is a video clip, information and activities on How Did Life Change in the Neolithic Period?
Here is a video clip, information and activity looking at How Does the Human Skeleton Work?
Here is a video clip, information and activity looking at What is a Balanced Diet?
Here is a video clip, information and activity looking at Volcanoes
Here is information and an activity looking at What is an Algorithm?
Summer Term 2024
We hope Year Three had an enjoyable and restful Easter holiday and are ready for our new topic for this term - The Green, Green Grass of Home!
We will study our locality, looking at facilities that are here and how this has changed. We will explore the local area in geography, sketching and mapping it out as we go, remembering key features such as keys. Linking with this, we will be going on a walk in the local area to study it, looking at geographical features including land use. We will sketch and map it as we go, and take some of our own photographs to make a large collage. Later in the topic, we will focus on history, looking at our local area in the past and present.
To introduce our new topic, we will be looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and other artists who painted sunflowers. The children will then interpret these with their own creations using oil pastels. We will also create some water colour paintings based on the work of Angela Lewin. In addition, this term, we will get the opportunity to enjoy a whole school art day, where we will share our work as artists to the whole school.
As mathematicians, we will focus our learning on fractions, shape, measurement and statistics. We will continue to embed our reasoning, problem-solving and arithmetic within our maths learning.
In literacy, we will be writing an adventure story in the setting of the wildlife area of our school, a recount of our school trip to Hands on Heritage, a persuasive leaflet for our own wildlife theme park, a writing piece based on our class reader The Wild Robot by Peter Brown and an explanation text on why do people think the moon shines. Lots of our learning across the curriculum will link to the writing this term, such as our science work where we look at light, studying light and dark and how shadows are formed. We will also learn about the parts of a plant, its lifecycle and what a plant needs to survive. Our computing work will also link to plants, where we will be making an animation of the lifecycle of a flowering plant.
As part of our Design and Technology curriculum we will make amazing shadow puppets and perform our own stories to the rest of the class, linking to our science topic of light. We will also make a Roman chariot. With the fine weather, we will be focusing on athletics outside as well as games. As always, it is important that your child has their PE kit with them at all times. As the weather is becoming a lot warmer, we will try and get outside as much as possible! This half term the Otters will be pitted against the Foxes in the Battle of the Bands in Times Table Rock Stars again!We have a lovely term ahead of us, with exciting things planned, such as our Hands on Heritage school trip and our Roman vs Celt day!
Spring Term 2024
Our very exciting topic for this term is ‘Incredible Invaders’. We cover many of the Year 3 Geography and History objectives as we learn about the Stone age, Bronze Age and then onto the Iron Age. We study the lives of the Celtic people (Ancient Britons) who lived in the UK in the Iron Age. We predominantly study the life of Boudicca, who was a Celtic Queen who lived in our area at the time of the Roman invasion. To complement this learning, we are very excited to announce that we have a Roman solider visitor to the school in February and a trip to a Celtic village in April to further develop our understanding of the Celtic and Roman ways of life.
In English, we will be writing an informal letter to Scooby-Doo explaining how he could make better choices, to achieve a balanced diet. We will write a fictional action scene set in the winter. This will be inspired by the chase scene from the “Frozen” films! After this, we will learn to perform winter poetry as a class. Then we will record ourselves in small groups, making our own videos and editing these into a short film in computing. After we have learnt about the Celtic way of life, we will write a diary entry by a Celtic child. After visiting the Hands on Heritage site, we will write a short recount about our visit. We will finish the term writing a persuasive speech in the role of Boudicca and a discussion text about the actions she took against the Romans and whether she was right to stand up to them.
In Maths, we will focus on multiplication, division and fractions, as well as revising place value, addition and subtraction strategies. We will focus on arithmetic weekly, to develop our confidence within this. Please continue to use TTRS at home as much as you can to secure your multiplication and division facts!
We will be covering the full range of curriculum subjects this term, linking the learning to our topic. Please see the curriculum overview for more information.
We will end the term with a “Fantastic Finish”. Details will follow nearer the time, but the day will involve re-enacting battles dressed as a Roman or Celt, trying some Roman food and furthering our learning on the topic.
Please look on our website to find out more about what your child is learning.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions that come to mind.
Autumn Term 2023
A warm welcome to Year Three! Our topic for the autumn term is called ‘From Bones to Stones’. Our ‘Sparkling Start’ will be a dress up day in the first week of term, where the children will be able to examine some Stone Age artefacts, learn about how Stone Age people lived and try some of the food our ancestors would have enjoyed.
In Literacy this term we will compile an information text about Sabre Toothed Tigers, write a letter to Scooby-Doo, linked to our science work, write an adventure story involving a volcano and we will also write a biography of Mary Anning’s life. In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies. In science we will begin by looking at how different types of rocks are formed and how they can be used. We will then move onto learning about human bones, the purpose of our skeletons and focus on how different aspects of our diet support our bodies. We will also discuss the differences between bones and stones (living and non-living things). We will start to learn to speak and write French as well as getting the opportunity to focus on SCRATCH in computing. We will be covering the full range of curriculum subjects this half term, linking the learning to our topic. Please see the curriculum map for more information. We are all very excited about our school trip to the Time and Tide Museum for a Stone Age Experience in early October.
It is vital you read with your child as much as you can, remember - Children who read, succeed! We expect your child to read to an adult at least 4 times a week, where their diary then needs to be signed by that adult. We will check diary entries each Monday morning. Each child will get an opportunity to independently change their home reading books when they come in each morning. There will be daily phonics and guided reading lessons to develop reading and comprehension skills. In addition, all children will have the option to take books from the Reading Owls scheme (details to follow) and the school library.
It is important the children complete their weekly home learning tasks as this will help re-enforce learning from the classroom. The task will be handed out on a Thursday or Friday and we ask that they are returned at the beginning of the next week. Please refer to our Learning Aliens to support their learning skills. For this term we will be having weekly word bank tests. Spellings should be practised at home please and they will be tested weekly on a Monday.
To continue to support times table knowledge, we will be using Times Tables Rockstars regularly. This is a fun and engaging way to recall our times tables facts. We will practise in school, but the children are also encouraged to engage at home on the APP.
We look forward to speaking with you at the Meet the Team session and at the Learning Review meetings later this half term. Please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Mrs Carruthers, Mrs King and Miss Norman.
Summer Term 2023
We hope Year Three had an enjoyable and restful Easter holiday and are ready for our new topic for this term - The Green, Green Grass of Home!
We will study our locality, looking at facilities that are here and how this has changed. We will explore the local area in geography, sketching and mapping it out as we go, remembering key features such as keys. Linking with this, we will be going on a walk in the local area to study it, looking at geographical features including land use. We will sketch and map it as we go, and take some of our own photographs to make a large collage. Later in the topic, we will focus on history, looking at our local area in the past and present.
To introduce our new topic, we will be looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and other artists who painted sunflowers. The children will then interpret these with their own creations using oil pastels. We will be sharing our work as artists on a whole school art day, where the children can also enjoy seeing other children’s artwork around the school too.
As mathematicians, we will continue our learning on fractions, shape, measurement and statistics. In literacy, we will be writing an adventure story in the setting of the wildlife area of our school, a recount of our school trip to Hands on Heritage, a persuasive leaflet for our own wildlife theme park and an explanation text on why the moon shines. Lots of our learning across the curriculum will link to the writing this term, such as our science work where we look at light, studying light and dark and how shadows are formed. We will also learn about the parts of a plant, its lifecycle and what a plant needs to survive. Our computing work will also link to plants, where we will be making an animation of the lifecycle of a flowering plant, as well as a maze game on Scratch.
As part of our Design and Technology curriculum we will make amazing shadow puppets and perform our own stories to the rest of the class, linking to our science topic of light. We will also make a Roman chariot. With the fine weather, we will be focusing on athletics outside as well as games and swimming. As always, it is important that your child has their PE kit with them at all times. As the weather is becoming a lot warmer, we will try and get outside as much as possible! This half term the Bees will be pitted against the Foxes in the Battle of the Bands in Times Table Rock Stars again.
We have a lovely term ahead of us, with exciting things planned, such as our Hands on Heritage school trip and our Roman vs Celt day!
Spring Term 2023
A warm welcome back to school after what we hope was a relaxing holiday. Our very exciting topic for this term is ‘Incredible Invaders’. We cover many of the year 3 Geography and History objectives as we learn about the Stone age, Bronze Age and then onto the Iron Age. We study the lives of the Celtic people (Ancient Britons) who lived in the UK in the Iron Age. We predominantly study the life of Boudicca who was a Celtic Queen who lived in our area at the time of the Roman invasion. To complement this learning, we are very excited to announce that we have a Roman solider visitor to the school in February and a trip to a Celtic village in April to further develop our understanding of the Celtic and Roman ways of life.
We will end the term with a “Fantastic Finish”. Details will follow nearer the time, but the day will involve re-enacting battles dressed as a Roman or Celt and trying some Roman food!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
The Year 3 Team
Autumn Term 2022
A warm welcome to Year 3! Our topic for the autumn term is called ‘From Bones to Stones’. Our ‘Sparkling Start’ will be a dress up day in the first week of term, where children will be able to examine some Stone Age artefacts, learn about how Stone Age people lived and try some of the food our ancestors would have enjoyed.
In Literacy this term we will compile an information text about Sabre Toothed Tigers creatures, write a letter to Scooby-Doo and an adventure story involving a volcano! We will also write a biography of Mary Anning’s life. In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies. In science we will begin by looking at how different types of rocks are formed and how they can be used. We will then move onto learning about human bones and the purpose of our skeletons. We will discuss the differences between bones and stones (living and non-living things). We are looking forward to our weekly swimming lesson and starting to learn to speak and write French! We will be covering the full range of curriculum subjects this half term, linking the learning to our topic. Please see the curriculum map for more information. We are all very excited about our school trip to the Time and Tide Museum for a Stone Age Experience in early October.
It is vital you read with your child as much as you can, remember- Children who read, succeed! We expect your child to read to an adult at least 4 times a week. Each child will get an opportunity to independently change their home reading books when they come in each morning. We will check diary entries each Monday morning. There will be daily phonics and guided reading lessons to develop reading and comprehension skills. All children will have the option to take books from the Reading Owls scheme (details to follow) and the school library.
It is important the children complete their weekly home learning tasks as this will help re-enforce learning from the classroom. The task will be handed out on a Thursday or Friday and we ask that they are returned at the beginning of the next week. Please refer to our Learning Heroes to support their learning skills. For this term we will be having weekly word bank tests. Spellings should be practised at home please and they will be tested weekly on a Monday.
To help develop times table knowledge we will be introducing the children to Times Tables Rockstars. This is a fun and engaging way to recall our times tables facts. We will practise in school, but the children are also encouraged to engage at home. Mr Rose will be introducing this APP to the children early in the term.
We look forward to speaking with you at the Learning Review meetings later this half term, but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
The Year 3 Team
Here are some useful websites to help your child
A day in the life of a stone age boy
Life during the stone age:
What happened in Prehistoric Britain?
What was life like in the Middle Stone Age?