Year 2 Learning Information
Curriculum Information
Spring Term 2025
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This term we are starting our ‘Stormy Seas’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring tints and shades in painting and developing our drawing techniques.
In Literacy, we will be writing a recount of our under the sea day. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the novel, ‘The Storm Whale,’
In Maths, we are exploring multiplication and division before moving on to multiplication and division. We will continue our fluency in addition and subtraction. If you can work on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home this will help secure multiplication and division facts for these.
As historians, we are going to learn the story of Grace Darling and create a stop-go animation of this story in computing.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
Please do contact us if you have any questions about the Year 2 curriculum and we will help you further.
The Year 2 Team
Autumn Term 2024
A really warm welcome to Year 2! Our main topic for the autumn term is called ‘Hooray for Heroes!”
In Literacy we will base our work on books about super heroes. We will write a recount about the adventures of Eliot the midnight superhero and about the dastardly deeds of Evil Pea. We will write an argument about whether Gru was a good or bad person. In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies. In science we will begin by looking at the Earth’s movement in space and link this to our superhero topic. We will move onto learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. We will learn about the artist Lichtenstein and create pieces of art in the pop art style. We will design and make a superhero logo for a superhero of our choice.
This term we will be continuing with the Little Wandle reading scheme. This will in include daily phonics and reading 3 times a week in school. Little Wandle books will go home on a Monday and will be kept for the whole week.
We encourage you to read regularly at home with your child and have our reading puffin scheme running across the year where children take home inspirational books to read for which the more they read they can win prizes. We also have class reading challenges to help promote a love of reading.
We look forward to speaking with you at the Learning Review meetings later this half term, but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Here are some websites to help your child.
Summer Term 2024
Welcome back to the Summer term, we hope you had a lovely Easter break.
Our new topic is called ‘Explorers’ where we will be looking at the explorer Charles Darwin. We will find out who he is and what he found on his vogue on the HMS Beagle. We will then write our own adventure story based on a new discovery.
In Science we will be learning about healthy eating and use our learning to create a healthy snack for Darwin in our DT lessons.
In Geography we will be doing fieldwork where we will create maps and use compass directions to describe routes on maps. We will then learn to identify then compare and contrast hot and cold areas of the world.
During Art and DT we will explore dyeing and printing techniques before moving on to observational drawings of flowers and leaves.
In Maths we are excited to begin Times Table Rockstars (TTRockstars) which is an online game which helps secure multiplication and division facts.
At home continue to support your child’s learning by:
Reading and sharing stories on a daily basis. Can you find any that link to our topic?
- Continuing to practise your year 2 spellings.
- Practising cursive handwriting.
- Practising the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts.
- Securing number bonds for numbers from 5 to 20, both addition and subtraction facts.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask any member of the Year 2 team
Spring Term 2024
Spring 2
In year 2 we are continuing to explore our 'Stormy Sea's' topic. We will use our skills of enquiry to find out about different maritime artefacts and learn about Lowestoft in the past through our history lessons and trip to the Maritime Museum and Library Archives.
In Science we are observing plants and how they grow. We link this to computer Science where we use data loggers to collect information on what happens to cress seeds in different conditions.
We are combining Art and DT by learning how to weave, creating a 'Stormy Seas' piece inspired by Anni Albers.
Maths this half term sees us learning about measurement and then revisiting and extending our learning with addition and multiplication. Check out for some great 'fastest finger;' games to help secure knowledge of number facts.
In English we are writing a persuasive letter to ask Mr Axon for a class pet. We then move on to poetry with a theme of seagulls, before ending our half term with instruction writing on how to make Easter nest cakes.
Spring 1
This term we are starting our ‘Stormy Seas’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring tints and shades in painting and developing our drawing techniques.
In Literacy, we will be writing a recount of our under the sea day. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the novel, ‘The Storm Whale,’
In Maths, we are exploring multiplication and division before moving on to fractions. We will continue our fluency in addition and subtraction. If you can work on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home this will help secure multiplication and division facts for these.
As historians, we are going to learn the story of Grace Darling and create a stop-go animation of this story in computing.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
Please do contact us if you have any questions about the Year 2 curriculum and we will help you further.
The Year 2 Team
Autumn Term 2023
A really warm welcome to Year 2! Our main topic for the autumn term is called ‘Hooray for Heroes!”
In Literacy we will base our work on books about super heroes. We will write a recount about the adventures of Eliot the midnight superhero and about the dastardly deeds of Evil Pea. We will write an argument about whether Gru was a good or bad person. In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies. In science we will begin by looking at the Earth’s movement in space and link this to our superhero topic. We will move onto learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. We will learn about the artist Lichtenstein and create pieces of art in the pop art style. We will design and make a superhero logo for a superhero of our choice.This term we will be continuing with the Little Wandle reading scheme. This will in include daily phonics and reading 3 times a week in school. Little Wandle books will go home on a Monday and will be kept for the whole week.
We encourage you to read regularly at home with your child and have our reading puffin scheme running across the year where children take home inspirational books to read for which the more they read they can win prizes. We also have class reading challenges to help promote a love of reading.
We look forward to speaking with you at the Learning Review meetings later this half term, but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.Here are some websites to help your child.
Summer Term 2023
Welcome back to the Summer term, we hope you had a lovely Easter break.
Our new topic is called ‘Explorers’ where we will be covering lots of Science and Geography. We will be looking at the explorer Charles Darwin. We will find out who he is and what he found on his vogue on the HMS Beagle. We will then write our own adventure story based on a new discovery.
In Science we will be learning to identify different plants and trees as well as planting some bulbs and seeds to see how they mature into a plant. Our learning will then move on to animals and their habitats.
In Geography we will be doing fieldwork where we will create maps and use compass directions to describe routes on maps. We will then learn to identify then compare and contrast hot and cold areas of the world.
During Art and DT we will explore dyeing and printing techniques before moving on to observational drawings of flowers and leaves. We will be practicing our cooking skills by creating a ‘healthy breakfast for Darwin.’
At home continue to support your child’s learning by:
- Reading and sharing stories on a daily basis. Can you find any that link to our topic?
- Continuing to practise your word bank spellings.
- Practising cursive handwriting
- Practising the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication and division facts.
- Securing number bonds for numbers from 5 to 20, both addition and subtraction facts.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask any member of the Year 2 team
Spring Term 2023
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This half term we are starting our ‘Stormy Seas’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring tints and shades in painting and developing our drawing techniques.
In Literacy, we will be writing a recount of our under the sea day. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the novel, ‘The Storm Whale,’ and will also be writing poetry about seagulls!
In Maths, we are exploring multiplication and division before moving on to fractions. We will continue our fluency in addition and subtraction. If you can work on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home this will help secure multiplication and division facts for these.
As historians, we are going to learn the story of Grace Darling and create a stop-go animation of this story in computing. We are hoping to invite you in for a share afternoon at the end of this half term to show you the result of these.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
Please do contact us if you have any questions about the Year 2 curriculum and we will help you further.
The Year 2 Team
Autumn Term 2022
A really warm welcome to Year 2! Our main topic for the autumn term is called ‘Hooray for Heroes!” Our ‘Sparkling Start’ will be a dress up day on the first day of term, where children will be able to dress up as their favourite superhero.
In Literacy this term we will base our work on books about super heroes. We will write a recount about the adventures of Eliot the midnight superhero and about the dastardly deeds of Evil Pea. We will write an argument about whether Gru was a good or bad person. In maths we will focus on number and place value as well as learning new addition and subtraction strategies. In science we will begin by looking at the Earth’s movement in space and link this to our superhero topic. We will move onto learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. We will learn about the artist Lichtenstein and create pieces of art in the pop art style. We will design and make a superhero logo for a superhero of our choice.
It is vital you read with your child as much as you can, remember- Children who read, succeed! We expect your child to read to an adult at least 4 times a week. Each child will get an opportunity to change their home reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We will also have fortnightly spelling tests of the wordbanks which will be sent home with your child.
There will be daily phonics and guided reading lessons to develop reading and comprehension skills. All children will have the option to take books from the Reading Puffins scheme and the school library.
We look forward to speaking with you at the Learning Review meetings later this half term, but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Here are some websites to help your child.
Dolphins | Hedgehogs |
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Mr Midmore | Mrs Macur / Mrs Bolan |