Year 1 Learning Information
Flamingos | Ladybirds |
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Miss Crick | Mrs Whyte |
Curriculum Information
Spring Term 2025
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This half term we are starting our ‘Sensational Senses’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring the artist Lowry and how he drew his matchstick men and industrial landscapes.
In English, we will be writing a senses poem about our favourite season. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the story Captain Beastlie’s Pirate Party. This story allows us to explore imaginative description and how to achieve this using adjectives and similes.
In Maths, we will be continuing to explore 2D and 3D shapes. Here is a link to a top marks game where you must try to guess the shape: We also move onto learn about practical measurements of length, height, weight, mass and capacity.
As historians, we are going to learn about Helen Keller and how she overcame her disabilities and became an inspiration to others. This will lead us onto our science topic where we will be identifying our senses and the body parts associated with these. Here is a useful BBC bitesize link all about senses:
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
Please look on our website to find out more about what your child is learning.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have any.
Autumn Term 2024
In the first half of the Autumn term, we will look at our environment and read books which, including a focus on solving missing number sums. As Scientists, we will investigate materials. We will learn how to name an object and the material it is made from. We will also learn about the properties associated with materials and how some materials are particularly good for certain jobs. Using our knowledge of materials, we will create our own kites in DT. In computing, we learn how to keep ourselves safe online. We will also be learning some basic computer skills such as using the mouse, keyboard and working in Word. As Geographers, we will investigate our village and our town that we live in. In Art, we be inspired by various sculptures to create our own sculptures using a range of materials. As Musicians, we will be focussing on pulse and pattern. In RE, we will be answering the question ‘why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?’. We will be developing our ball skills in PE.
In the second half of the Autumn term, our focus switches are set at the seaside. Our main text is ‘The Seasaw’ by Tom Percival. We look at the journey the bear makes and write a message in a bottle from the bear. As mathematicians we will develop our counting and place value skills, using lots of concrete resource and pictorial images. We will be looking at one more and one less than given numbers. We will begin to focus on addition and subtractionto geography. As geographers, we look at the city and the countryside, looking at more detail at our capital city London and some famous landmarks. As historians, we find out about what it was like to live in Victorian times and we look at The Great Exhibition (an exciting event in history). As readers, we will explore instructions and find out why they are so important. We will also be enjoying looking at dragons and other mythological creatures in more detail. As writers, we will find out how to write really good instructions, including imperative verbs, a goal, numbers and ordinal adverbs. We will use our reading to find out about mythological creatures and write a set of instructions about how to trap one. We will write a persuasive letter inspired by the book Zog and the flying doctors by Julia Donaldson. As mathematicians, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and looking at lots of different resources which we can use to support us in answering these types of calculations. As well as this, we will also focus on number bonds and 2D shapes. As computer experts, we will be designing and creating an electronic Christmas card.
Summer Term 2024
This term we are starting our ‘Escape to Africa’ topic and begin with our sparkling start dress up day. We will make our own passports and begin to explore countries in the vast continent Africa.
In English, we will write a recount of our Africa Day. We read African stories featuring the character of Anansi. We will write a diary entry based on these stories. We explore factual books about animals and use our knowledge of different animal groups to create our own imaginary animal.
In Maths, we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour. We will be exploring fractions of shape, objects and number. We will also be learning about multiplication and division by using practical resources to support our learning.
As geographers, we look at the continent Africa and use our geographical skills to compare the countries within Africa as well as our own country. As scientists we will continue to develop our knowledge of classification and learn about the different places animals live.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.
The Year 1 Team
Spring Term 2024
This half term we are starting our ‘Sensational Senses’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring the artist Lowry and how he drew his matchstick men and industrial landscapes.
In English, we will be writing a senses poem about our favourite season. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the story Captain Beastlie’s Pirate Party. This story allows us to explore imaginative description and how to achieve this using adjectives and similes.
In Maths, we will be continuing to learn about addition and subtraction. We will then develop our knowledge of money by recognising and knowing the value of different coins. We also move onto learn about practical measurements of length, height, weight, mass and capacity.
In science we will be finding out all about our senses and why they are so important. We will be working scientifically to find out whether it is easier or harder to complete a task with a sense missing.
As historians, we are going to learn about Helen Keller and how she overcame her disabilities and became an inspiration to others. This will lead us onto our science topic where we will be identifying our senses and the body parts associated with these.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
Please look on our website to find out more about what your child is learning.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have any.
Autumn Term 2023
In the first half of the Autumn term, we will look at our environment and read books which are set at the seaside. Our main text is ‘The Seasaw’ by Tom Percival. We look at the journey the bear makes and write a message in a bottle from the bear. As mathematicians we will develop our counting and place value skills, using lots of concrete resource and pictorial images. We will be exploring odd and even numbers and looking at one more and one less than given numbers. We will begin to focus on addition and subtraction, including a focus on solving missing number sums. As Scientists, we will investigate materials. We will learn how to name an object and the material it is made from. We will also learn about the properties associated with materials and how some materials are particularly good for certain jobs. Using our knowledge of materials we will create our own kites in DT. In computing, we learn how to keep ourselves safe online. We will also be learning some basic computer skills such as using the mouse, keyboard and working in Word. As Geographers, we will investigate our village and our town that we live in. We will also compare our village with another village location. In Art, we will create seascapes using sketching skills. As Musicians, we will follow the Charanga scheme, focusing on the unit ‘Hey You!’. In RE, we will be answering the question ‘why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?’. We will be developing our catching and throwing skills in PE.
In the second half of the Autumn term, our focus switches to geography. As geographers, we look at the city and the countryside, looking at more detail at our capital city London and some famous landmarks. As historians, we find out about what it was like to live in Victorian times and we look at The Great Exhibition (an exciting event in history). As readers, we will explore instructions and find out why they are so important. We will also be enjoying looking at dragons and other mythological creatures in more detail. As writers, we will find out how to write really good instructions, including bossy words, a goal, numbers and time words. We will use our reading to find out about mythological creatures and write a set of instructions about how to trap one. We will write a persuasive letter inspired by the book Zog and the flying doctors by Julia Donaldson. As mathematicians, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and looking at lots of different resources which we can use to support us in answering these types of sums. As well as this, we will also focus on number bonds and 2D shapes. As computer experts, we will be designing and creating an electronic Christmas card.
Summer 2023
This term we are starting our ‘Escape to Africa’ topic and begin with our sparkling start dress up day. We will make our own passports and begin to explore countries in the vast continent Africa.
In English, we will write a recount of our Africa Day. We read African stories featuring the character of Anansi. We will write a diary entry based on these stories. We explore factual books about animals and use our knowledge of different animal groups to create our own imaginary animal.
In Maths, we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour. We will be exploring fractions of shape, objects and number. We will also be learning about multiplication and division by using practical resources to support our learning.
As geographers, we look at the continent Africa and use our geographical skills to compare the countries within Africa as well as our own country. As scientists we will continue to develop our knowledge of classification and learn about the different places animals live.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher.
The Year 1 Team
Spring 2023
This half term we are starting our ‘Sensational Senses’ topic and begin with some Art where we will be exploring the artist Lowry and how he drew his matchstick men and industrial landscapes.
In English, we will be writing a senses poem about our favourite season. We will be developing our creative writing, basing our work on the story Captain Beastlie’s Pirate Party. This story allows us to explore imaginative description and how to achieve this using adjectives and similes.
In Maths, we will be continuing to learn about addition and subtraction. We will then be exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We also move onto learn about practical measurements of length, height, weight, mass and capacity.
As historians, we are going to learn about Helen Keller and how she overcame her disabilities and became an inspiration to others. This will lead us onto our science topic where we will be identifying our senses and the body parts associated with these.
Please keep reading with your child and home, making a note of when they have read in their diaries. Both classes have ongoing reading challenges to encourage regular reading.
If you have any questions please speak to your child's class teacher.
The Year 1 Team
Autumn Term 2022
In the first half of the Autumn term, we will look at our environment and read books which are set at the seaside. Our main text is ‘The Seasaw’ by Tom Percival. We look at the journey the bear makes and write a message in a bottle from the bear. As mathematicians we will develop our counting and place value skills, using lots of concrete resource and pictorial images. We will be exploring odd and even numbers and looking at one more and one less than given numbers. We will begin to focus on addition and subtraction, including a focus on solving missing number sums. As Scientists, we will investigate materials. We will learn how to name an object and the material it is made from. We will also learn about the properties associated with materials and how some materials are particularly good for certain jobs. Using our knowledge of materials we will create our own kites in DT. In computing, we learn how to keep ourselves safe online. We will create an advertisement for our own kites on Dazzle. We will also create an electronic Christmas card on Dazzle. We begin to learn how to code using scratch junior. As Geographers, we will investigate our village and our town that we live in. We will also compare our village with another village location. In Art, we will create seascapes using sketching skills and a range of collage materials inspired by Beryl Cook. As Musicians, we will follow the Charanga scheme, focusing on the unit ‘Hey You!’. In RE, we will be answering the question ‘why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?’. We will be developing our catching and throwing skills in PE.
In the second half of the Autumn term, our focus switches to geography. As geographers, we look at the city and the countryside, looking at more detail at our capital city London and some famous landmarks. As historians, we find out about what it was like to live in Victorian times and we look at The Great Exhibition (an exciting event in history). As readers, we will explore instructions and find out why they are so important. We will also be enjoying looking at dragons and other mythological creatures in more detail. As writers, we will find out how to write really good instructions, including bossy words, a goal, numbers and time words. We will use our reading to find out about mythological creatures and write a set of instructions about how to trap one. We will write a persuasive letter inspired by the book Zog and the flying doctors by Julia Donaldson. As mathematicians, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and looking at lots of different resources which we can use to support us in answering these types of sums. As well as this, we will also focus on number bonds and 2D shapes. As computer experts, we will be designing and creating an electronic Christmas card.
Useful links
Virtual tour of the Great Exhibition
Magic Grandad – Tour of a Victorian kitchen
Who was Queen Victoria?
Children’s Day Japanese Kites