Reception Learning Information
Bears | Flamingos |
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Mrs Aggreh & Mrs Gorst-Allman | Miss Crick |
Welcome to Reception
Curriculum Information
Spring Term 2025
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This term our topic is called ‘Sensational Senses’. Our topic is split into two halves. The first half we explore our senses through people who help us. We learn about how the helpful heroes in our home and community use their senses within their jobs. We are beginning with helpers at home and school then will learn about the emergency services and people who help in the community. If you know of any visitors who would be willing to come in to talk about their job or to answer any questions the children might have, please let us know.
After half term we move onto exploring our senses in Springtime. We will be learning about and exploring the natural world: labelling parts of plants; looking for signs of Spring; and talking about and comparing different environments to the one in which we live. We will also be planting our own beans and will be watching them grow.
We will be listening to a range of stories and exploring non-fiction books linked to our topic, as well as other cultures.
In Phonics we will learn and practise the phase 3 sounds as well as learning to read and write longer words. We will also be writing for different purposes within our topic and continuing with our group reading sessions. Please look at our weekly information posters (displayed in the windows in our classrooms) to see the focus in Phonics and Maths each week.
Please look at the curriculum overview on this website page to find out more about our intended learning this term.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask us any questions.
The Reception Team
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome Bears and Flamingos to full time school!
Our topic this term is called ‘Amazing Adventures!’ and we learn about ourselves, our families, our bodies and our favourite things. Each week we have lots of fun activities planned around Julia Donaldson books which will link to the weekly theme. Please keep an eye on our information posters to know which books we are focusing on each week and what we are learning about. These can be seen in our classroom windows.
Please look at our curriculum overview to find out more information about our topic.
It is vital you read daily with your child so they can receive our book worm awards every week, remember - Children who read, succeed! Please remember to sign or comment in your child’s reading record every time they read or are read to. Initially we will be sending a story book for you to read to your child and discuss. After Christmas the children will bring home books that they should be able to read with confidence alongside the story book. In your child’s book bag, they will soon have a ‘Phonics book’. Please practise saying the sounds and/or the words as much as you can.
Your child will need a named pair of wellies to keep in school as we play outside in all weathers. Please bring the wellies in when your child starts school. Please also make sure your child has their named PE kit at school. Please encourage your child to be as independent as they can when getting themselves changed at home.
We look forward to speaking with you at Parents’ evening this half term but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Thank you,
Mrs Gorst-Allman, Mrs Aggreh and Miss Crick
Summer Term 2024
Summer 2
Welcome back to the last half term in Reception. We have lots of fun activities planned around our continuing topic ‘Around the World’. This half term we will focus on Australia and Africa and are pleased with the feedback we have received about our learning based on The Americas. When learning about Australia we will explore animals, landmarks, climates and write a short story based on the folk tale ‘What Made Tiddalick Laugh’. When we focus on Africa we will be finding out what the children already know about the continent and asking them what they would like to find out. Our activities will include writing facts about countries in Africa, writing about our trip to Africa Alive (Wednesday 19th June) and many other tasks linked to what the children would like to find out about. We will explore lots of cultural comparisons and develop the children’s understanding of how life in Africa is similar and different to here. As Mathematicians, we will further develop our fluency and understanding about doubles, number patterns, number bonds, the composition of numbers and comparing numbers. We will also recap our previous learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be looking forward to exciting opportunities such as the Sponsored Walk, Sports Day and our transition to Year One. Please keep an eye on the diary dates and your School Ping for more information regarding special events.
Summer 1
Our new topic for the Summer term is called ‘Around the World’. We are splitting it into the two half terms, firstly focusing on The Americas. This will include studying certain countries and states in North and South America; Canada, Florida, New York, Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico. The children will be exploring Google Earth at school, maybe you could look at these places together at home. We will be learning lots of information about each place such as food, traditions, animals, transport and buildings. We are aiming to write a mini information book by the end of the half term and will be creating lots of landmarks and features using various objects and materials. Please see our curriculum overview on our school’s website for a detailed list of our learning activities and refer to our learning poster each week that is displayed on our classroom windows. Continue to read as much as possible and we hope you continue to enjoy the play bags and Maths bags.
Spring Term 2024
Spring 2
This half term our topic is, ‘How does your garden grow?’. We will be learning about and exploring the natural world: labelling parts of plants; looking for signs of Spring; and talking about and comparing different environments to the one in which we live.
We will be planting seeds and will be watching them grow. This links into our story writing about ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. In our Maths, we will cover: estimating, patterns, addition and subtraction and will link it to our topic by providing real experiences.
In Phonics we will be continuing to practise our phase 3 sounds as well as learning to read and write longer words. We will also be writing for different purposes within our topic and continuing with our group reading sessions.
For storytelling we will be listening to a range of stories linked to our topic and will be making use of our storytelling circle with our stories ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and ‘Jasper’s beanstalk’.
We are very excited to tell you we will be getting eggs at school and will be watching them hatch and become little fluffy chicks! The children will find this very exciting and it has been a great experience in the past. This is part of an organised ‘Living eggs’ project and runs over two weeks.
As usual, please do not hesitate to approach us with any questions and we look forward to seeing you when you come in for our share session on Wednesday 13th March.
Thank you
The Reception Team
Spring 1
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This half term we are learning about ‘Helpful Heroes’ (people who help us). We are beginning with helpers at school then will learn about the emergency services and people who help in the community. If you know of any visitors who would be willing to come in to talk about their job or to answer any questions the children might have, please let us know.
Please look at the curriculum overview, above, to find out more about our intended learning this term.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have them.
The Reception Team
Autumn Term 2023
Autumn Term 2
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope you had a good half term holiday and enjoyed completing the holiday home learning with your child. This half term our topic is ‘Discover with Donaldson’ where we will be focusing on books by the children’s author Julia Donaldson. Each week we have lots of fun activities planned around the following books: The Gruffalo, Tiddler, The Snail and the Whale, Stickman, A Squash and a Squeeze, The Scarecrow’s Wedding, The Ugly Five, Night Monkey, Day Monkey and Zog.
We hope your child is enjoying reading the books and words that they have brought home. Please can you continue to practise all the sounds and words for five minutes each day.
In maths we will be representing and comparing numbers and introducing topics such as positional language and shapes.
This term we will be practising for our school Christmas performance and we will be launching our Maths bags. We also will be celebrating Children in Need and discussing Remembrance Day.
Please look at our topic overview for more information about the activities that your child will be enjoying.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to come and see us.
Thank you
The Reception Team.
Autumn Term 1
Welcome Bears and Caterpillars to full time school!
Our topic this half term is called ‘All about me’ and we will begin by learning about ourselves, our families and different body parts. Please look at our curriculum overview to find out more information about our topic.
It is vital you read daily with your child so they can complete the reading challenge every week, remember - Children who read, succeed! Please remember to sign or comment in your child’s reading record every time they read or are read to. Initially we will be sending a story book for you to read to your child and discuss. After Christmas the children will bring home books that they should be able to read with confidence alongside the story book. In your child’s book bag, they will soon have a ‘Phonics book’. Please practise saying the sounds and/or the words as much as you can.
Our PE day is Tuesday. Please remove any earrings on this day and make sure your child has their named PE kit at school. Please encourage your child to be as independent as they can when getting themselves changed at home.
Your child will need a named pair of wellies to keep in school as we play outside in all weathers. Please bring the wellies in when your child starts school.
We look forward to speaking with you at Parents’ evening this half term but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Mrs Rackham, Mrs Gorst-Allman & Mrs Aggreh
Summer Term 2023
We loved our Spring term topic, ‘How does your garden grow?’. We enjoyed planting beans and watching them grow into mini beanstalks! During this half term we have listened to lots of stories and found out lots of information about different plants. We are really pleased with how the children are progressing, keep up your fantastic hard work!
Our new topic for the Summer term is called ‘Around the World’. We are splitting it into the two half terms, firstly focusing on The Americas. This will include studying certain countries and states in North and South America; Canada, Florida, New York, Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico. The children will be exploring Google Earth at school, maybe you could look at these places together at home. We will be learning lots of information about each place such as food, traditions, animals, transport and buildings. We are aiming to write a mini information book by the end of the half term and will be creating lots of landmarks and features using various objects and materials. Please see our curriculum overview on our school’s website for a detailed list of our learning activities and refer to our learning poster each week that is displayed on our classroom windows. Continue to read as much as possible and we hope you continue to enjoy the play bags and Maths bags.
Spring Term 2023
Spring 2
This half term our topic is, ‘How does your garden grow?’. We will be learning about and exploring the natural world: labelling parts of plants; looking for signs of Spring; and talking about and comparing different environments to the one in which we live.
We will be planting our own beans and will be watching them grow. This links into our story writing about ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. In our Maths, we will cover: estimating, patterns, addition and subtraction and will link it to our topic by providing real experiences.
In Phonics we will be continuing to practise our phase 3 sounds as well as learning to read and write longer words. We will also be writing for different purposes within our ‘how does your garden grow’ topic and continuing with our group reading sessions.
For storytelling we will be listening to a range of stories linked to our topic, as well as other cultures and will be making use of our storytelling circle with our stories ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and ‘Jasper’s beanstalk’.
As usual, please do not hesitate to approach us with any questions and we look forward to seeing you when you come in to see your child’s work.
Thank you
The Reception Team
Spring 1
We hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
This half term we are learning about ‘Helpful Heroes’ (people who help us). We are beginning with helpers at school then will learn about emergency services and people who help in the community. If you know of any visitors who would be willing to come in to talk about their job or to answer any questions the children might have, please let us know.
Please look at the curriculum overview, above, to find out more about our intended learning this term.
As always, please do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have them.
The Reception Team
Autumn Term 2022
Welcome Dragons and Caterpillars to full time school!
Our topic this half term is called ‘All about me’ and we will begin by learning about ourselves, our families and different body parts.
It is vital you read daily with your child so they can complete the reading challenge every week, remember - Children who read, succeed! Please remember to sign or comment in your child’s reading record every time they read or are read to. Initially we will be sending a story book for you to read to your child and discuss. Then the children will bring home books that they should be able to read with confidence alongside the story book. In your child’s book bag, they will soon have a ‘Phonics book’. Please practise saying the sounds and/or the words as much as you can.
Our PE day is Tuesday. Please remove any earrings on this day and make sure your child has their named PE kit at school. Please encourage your child to be as independent as they can when getting themselves changed at home.
Your child will need a named pair of wellies to keep in school as we play outside in all weathers. Please bring the wellies in when your child starts school.We look forward to speaking with you at Parents’ evening this half term but please approach us with any queries or questions you have about any of our curriculum at any time.
Mrs Rackham, Mrs Carruthers & Mrs Aggreh
Information for new pupils
We use Tapestry Learning Journal in our Early Years Foundation Stage for staff to record evidence of your child's progression and progress through the EYFS stage. The advantage of using Tapestry is that you can view your child's learning journal and even add your own observatons from home.
Tapestry can be accessed via an app on smartphones and tablets or online on a home computer. Once you have logged onto the app once you will be able to use a pin number to speed up access in the future.
Android App is available here.
Apple App is available here.
The web interface can be accessed via
A getting started guide for each platform is available to download and print below.
If you experience any difficulties with passwords you can use this email for assistance or alternativly contact the school office.